University Savitribai Phule Pune University [UNIPUNE]
Faculty Commerce
Course P.G.D.B.F.I
Subject All
Year April 2022 Question Papers
Document Type PDF
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UNIPUNE P.G.D.B.F.I Question Papers

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Download UNIPUNE P.G.D.B.F.I Question Paper

P.G.D.B.F.I April 2022 Question Papers Download Here

UNIPUNE P.G.D.B.F.I April 2022 Questions

Principles And Practices Of Banking And Finance:
Q1) Answer the following questions in 50 words each. (Any Two). [10]
a) Briefly explain the Evolution of Banking in India.
b) Describe the nature of Capital Market.
c) Describe the Merger of the Banks.
d) Describe the Relations of Bank and Customer.

Q2) Answer the following questions in 150 words each. (Any Two) [20]
a) What is meant by Mortgage? State the types of Mortgage.
b) Explain the modes of creating Charge.
c) Explain Retail Banking and Wholesale Banking.

Q3) Answer the following questions in 200 words each. (Any One) [15]
a) Explain the functions of Reserve Bank of India.
b) Explain the types of Negotiable Instruments.

Q4) Answer the following questions in 250 words each. (Any One) [20]
a) What is meant by Bank? Explain the structure of Banking in India.
b) State the meaning and definition of financial system. explain the structure
of Financial System.

Q5) Write short notes on (Any Three) [15]
a) Branch banking
c) NPA
d) Terminatin of bank account
e) Effects of Endorsement

Principles And Practices Of Insurance:
Q1) What is the meaning of Insurance? Explain the principles of Insurance. [16]
Elaborate the difference between Life Insurance and General Insurnace.

Q2) State the features of Marine Insurance. Explain the meaning of Marine insurance contract. [16]
State the procedure for purchasing fire insurnace policies. Discuss the procedure for settlement claims of fire insurance policies.

Q3) What do you mean by Lapsed insurnace policy? Spell out in detail different ways of reviving such policy? [16]
List out various documents and forms required in claim settlement process of life and general insurance.

Q4) ‘Insurance sector in India is gradually improving’ Discuss various reasons to support the statement. [16]
Compare the performance of private insurance companies with governemnt insurance company.

Q5) Write short notes on : (Any Two) [2×8=16]
a) Career opportunities in insurance sector.
b) Origin of Life Insurance.
c) Marine losses.
d) Current trends in global insurance business

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