University Savitribai Phule Pune University [UNIPUNE]
Faculty Commerce
Course  B.Com
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Year April 2022 Question Papers
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UNIPUNE B.Com Question Papers

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 B.Com April 2022 Question Papers Download Here

UNIPUNE B.Com April 2022 Questions

Business Communication:
Q1) Define the term ‘Soft-Skills’. Explain the elements of soft skills. [16]
What is barriers to communication? Explain the types of barriers to communication.

Q2) Explain the functions and essential qualities of good business letters. [16]
Explain the principles and importance of business communication.

Q3) a) Write an application letter to recruitment officer, C.G. Co. Ltd. Mumbai for the post of Marketing Executives. [8]
Draft an office order to Yash Shinde, Pune from Darshan medilab Co. Ltd. Bagalkot for transferring his service at Kolhapur branch.

b) Write a request letter for credit information to credit manager, Sadhana Bank, Mumbai on behalf of Dhanajay Electronics Ltd. Ahmednagar. [8]
Write a complaint letter to Seema Soap Co. Ltd, Ratnagiri for shortage of goods on behalf of Mohan Traders, Mashik.

Q4) Describe the various sources of social media Network with merits and demerits. [16]
What are the characteristics of Press Release.

Q5) Write short notes (Any Four). [16]
a) Importance of Varbal communication
b) Advantages of written communication
c) Contents of biodata
d) Merits of Downward communication
e) Types of speaking.
f) Office circulars.

Corporate Accounting:
Q1) A) Fill in the blanks with the appropriate term from the given options (any five) : [5]
i) Accounting Standard 10 deals with ____________. (Accounting for Fixed Assets, Accounting for Amalgamations)
ii) In Company Final Accounts Bonus paid to employees is shown under _________. (Other expenses, Employee Benefit Expenses)
iii) The lawyer appointed by the court for executing process of liquidation of a company is known as ________. (Liquidator, Notary Public)
iv) A company holding more than 51% or more shares in another company is known as __________. (Subsidiary Company, Holding Company)
v) Liquidation of one company and no formation of a new company is known as ________. (External Reconstruction, Absorption)
vi) Under Intrinsic Value Method, Value of one equity share = Funds available for Equity Shareholders ÷ ___________ (Net Assets, Number of Equity Shares)
vii) Voluntary return of shares by the shareholders to the company is known as ___________. (Share Surrender, Share Forfeiture)

B) State whether the following statements are True or False. [5]
i) Accounting Standard 21 (AS – 21) deals with Preparation of Consolidated Financial Statements.
ii) Loans taken by mortgage of an immovable properly are known Secured Creditors.
iii) Under Company Final Accounts Debenture Interest paid is treated as a Finance Cost.
iv) Computerized Payroll Accounting System ensures faster and more accurate calculation of employee wages.
v) Under Amalgamation of companies there is Liquidation of two companies and no formation of a new company.
vi) Goodwill of the company does not have any effect on the value its Equity Share.
vii) Internal Reconstruction results in the liquidation of the company.

C) Write short notes on (an two). [14]
i) Advantages of Computerized Accounting.
ii) Difference between External and Internal Reconstruction.
iii) AS – 6 – Depreciation Accounting.
iv) Factors affecting the Valuation of Shares

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