University | Savitribai Phule Pune University [UNIPUNE] |
Faculty | Education |
Course | B.P.Ed. |
Subject | All |
Year | April 2022 Question Papers |
Document Type | |
Official Website | http://www.unipune.ac.in/default.htm |
UNIPUNE B.P.Ed. Question Papers
Download Savitribai Phule Pune University [UNIPUNE] B.P.Ed. April 2022 Question Papers Online PDF Free.
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UNIPUNE B.P.Ed. April 2022 Questions
Foundation Of Physical Education:
Q1) Attempt the any four following questions. [40]
a) Write about Characteristics of Pragmatism, write role of idealism in Physical education.
b) Write the importance of sports in society.
c) Draw and explain the scope of Physical education.
d) Describe the history of Physical Education in India after independence.
e) Describe the role of Germany in Gymnastics development.
f) Explain the role conflict of physical education teacher.
Q2) Answer in brief. [24]
a) Write in brief Realism in Physical education.
b) Explain the Geography subject relation with physical education.
c) Modern Olympics.
d) Discuss the Current Gender discrimination in Sports.
Q3) Short notes (Any Four). [16]
a) Physical education definition any four.
b) Aim of physical education.
c) Milkha Singh.
d) Careers in Physical Education.
e) Pierre de Coubertin.
Physical Education:
Q1) Answer in detail (any 4). [40]
a) Define and Explain Importance of Sports Psychology.
b) Describe the Role of Learner.
c) What is Motivation? Explain Types of Motivation in detail.
d) Classify Spectators and Write effects of Spectator on Performance of
e) Define and Classify Emotions.
f) Write the Trial and Error Experiment by Edward Thorndike.
Q2) Answer in brief. [24]
a) Laws of Learning.
b) Distinguish between Growth & Development.
c) Types of Attention.
d) During-Competition Psychological Characteristics.
Q3) Short notes (Any 4). [16]
a) Types of Learning.
b) Role of Teacher as ‘Role Model’.
c) Personality traits of Combative Sports.
d) Types of Anxiety.
e) Motivation Cycle
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