University Karnataka Department of Pre University Education
Course & Year II PUC
Subject Computer Science
Download Annual Examination Model Question Paper
Year 2023
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Official Website https://pue.karnataka.gov.in/english

PUE PUC II Computer Science Model Question Paper 2023

Download Karnataka Department of Pre University Education (PUE) March 2023 Second Year PUC Computer Science Annual Examination Model Question Paper.

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Download PUC II Computer Science Model Question Paper 2023

Course & Subject Model Question Paper
II PUC Computer Science  Download Here

PUE Karnataka PUC II Computer Science Model Questions

Part – A:
Answer all the questions. Each question carries one mark. 1 x 20 = 20

I Select the correct answer from the choices given: (Repeated answers will not be considered)
1. Which among the following is the fastest memory in a computer that holds information?
a) Register
b) Cache
c) Main memory
d) RAM

2. The other name of Boolean algebra is _____________
a) Switching algebra
b) Relational Algebra
c) Digital Algebra
d) None of the above

3. The other name of NOT gate is ___________
a) Neglect gate
b) Inverter gate
c) XOR gate
d) XNOR gate

4. The data structure that allows the insertion, as well as the deletion from both the ends, are:
a) String
b) Linked List data structure
c) Stack data structure
d) Dequeue data structure

5. What is the other name used for functions inside a class?
a) Member variables
b) Member functions
c) Class functions
d) Class variables

6. Function cannot be overloaded when ________________
a) Function names are same
b) Number of parameters are different
c) Number of parameters are same
d) Data types of parameters are different

7. The symbol used with constructor is ________
a) $
b) &
c) Delta
d) ~

8. Base class is ___________
a) a sub class
b) inherited class
c) Main class
d) First class

9. Which of the following is the correct way to declare a pointer?
a) int *ptr
b) int ptr
c) int &ptr
d) All of the above

10. ____________ is called information.
a) Raw fact
b) collection of data
c) Unprocessed data
d) Processed data

11. SQL is _______________________.
a) Theoretical Language
b) Procedural Language
c) Structured Language
d) Unstructured Language

12. FTP stands for _______________
a) Final Transistor Protocol
b) File Transformation Protocol
c) File Transfer Protocol
d) File Transaction Protocol

13. Which of the following is not a type of network?
a) LAN
b) MAN
c) PAN
d) VAN

14. A software and coding which is freely available on internet is ______________.
a) Community Software
b) Free Software
c) Open-Source Software
d) Unlicensed Software

15. HTML stands for ____________________________________
a) Hyper Text Makeup Language
b) Hyper Text Markup Language
c) Hyper Text Marking Language
d) Hyper Text Marker Language

II Fill in the blanks choosing the appropriate word/words from those given in brackets.
(Repeated answers will not be considered) (Security, Redundancy, DBMS, Database, Table)
16. Collection of rows and columns is called as ___________
17. ___________ is a collection of interrelated data.
18. Data duplication is called as ____________________.
19. _____________is a software for creating and managing databases.
20. Protection of data is the _________________.

Part – B:
Answer any FOUR questions. Each question carries two marks. 2 x 4 = 8
21. Prove X̿ = X.
22. Define tautology and fallacy.
23. What is encapsulation? Give an example.
24. What is destructor? Give example for destructor.
25. Mention any two functions of ifstream and give their meaning.
26. Give any two advantages of database system.
27. Give the syntax and example for INSERT command in SQL.
28. Briefly explain circuit switching.

Part – C:
Answer any FOUR questions. Each question carries three marks. 3 x 4 = 12
29. Briefly explain any three types of mother board.
30. Write the logic diagram and the truth table for XOR gate.
31. Give the memory representation of stack data structure.
32. Mention any three advantages of pointers.
33. What is a data file? Differentiate between text and binary files.
34. Give the meaning for any three components of E-R diagram.
35. What is e-commerce? Explain any one type of e-commerce.
36. Explain any three table tags in HTML.

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