University Karnataka Department of Pre University Education
Course & Year I PUC
Subject Computer Science
Download Model Question Paper
Year 2023-24
Document Type PDF
Official Website https://pue.karnataka.gov.in/english

PUE PUC I Computer Science Model Question Paper 2024

Download Karnataka Department of Pre University Education (PUE) 2024 First Year PUC Computer Science Examination Model Question Paper.

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Download PUE PUC I Computer Science Model Question Paper 2024

Course & Subject Model Question Paper
I PUC Computer Science Download Here

PUE Karnataka PUC I Computer Science Model Questions

I. Select the correct answer from the choices given:
1. The unit which controls and co-ordinates all the input and output divices of a system?
(a) ALU
(b) MU
(c) CU
(d) VDU

2. The smallest dot that can be displayed is called as
(a) Pixel
(b) Aspect ratio
(c) Picture
(d) Resolution

3. 1GB is equivalent to
(a) 1000MB
(b) 1024MB
(c) 1000KB
(d) 1024KB

4. Which of the following is a non-weighted code?
(a) BCD code
(b) EBCDIC code
(c) ASCII code
(d) Excess 3 BCD code

5. Identify the error in the following program segment
void main()
int a=5, b=8;

(a) Statement missing
(b) Function should return a value
(c) Terminated incorrectly
(d) Linker error

6. if(test condition)
It is a

(a) if – else selection
(b) simple if selection
(c) nested if selection
(d) multiple selection

7. Who developed C++?
(a) Dennis Ritchie
(b) Bjarne Stroustrup
(c) Ada lovelace
(d) Blaise Pascal

8. Give the header file that holds objects setw() and endl.
(a) <iostream.h>
(b) <conio.h>
(c) <iomanip.h>
(d) <stdio.h>

9. Assertion (A) : dowhile is a post tested loop.
Reason (R) : This loop repeats the execution of a set of statements till the condition is TRUE .

(a) A is false and R is true
(b) A is true and R is correct explanation
(c) A is true and R is not correct explanation
(d) A is true and R is false

10. Index of an array starts with
(a) zero
(b) n-1
(c) two
(d) one

11. Which of the function calls itself,
(a) calling function
(b) library function
(c) main function
(d) recursive function

12. The variable declared inside the functions,
(a) Local variable
(b) Global variable
(c) Formal argument
(d) All of the above

13. Which of the following allows to type the letter only once and send to all the address on the list
(a) thesaurus
(b) mail merge
(c) clip art
(d) word art

14. What is the extension of MS Excel file?
(a) .doc or .docx
(b) .text
(c) .excel
(d) .xls or .xlsx

15. Which of the following is not a built in function in ESS
(a) Sum()
(b) Nper()
(c) Date()
(d) Multiplication()

II. Fill in the blanks choosing the appropriate word/words from those given in the brackets. (pretested, actual, int, >>, a++,++a) :
16. _________ is an example for post increment operator.
17. __________ is stream extraction operator.
18. This is a __________looping statement.
19. ___________ is the data type of array subscript.
20. ___________ argument can be constant, variable or expression.

III. Answer any four questions. Each question carries two marks:
21. Mention any two characteristics of computers
22. What is a printer? Mention types of printers.
23. What is system software and application software?
24. Write any two characteristics of a good program.
25. Define data abstraction and data encapsulation.
26. Write a short note on integer datatype.
27. Give the difference between strcmp() and strcmpi().
28. Write the shortcut key for cut and copy operations in MS Word.

IV. Answer any four questions. Each question carries three marks:
29. Expand the following terms.
a. OMR b. MICR c. BCR
30. Give the radix of binary, octal and decimal system.
31. Compare CUI and GUI.
32. What is modular programming? Write any two advantages of modular programming.
33. Explain logical operators used in C++.
Next statement
34. What is cascading I/O operation? Give examples for input and output operations.
35. Give the declaration syntax for different types of arrays.
36. What is a structure? Write an example for defining a structure.

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