Board Himachal Pradesh Board of School Education [HPBOSE]
Class Class 10th/ Class X/ Matric
Download Model Question Paper
Subject Computer Science
Year 2023
Document Type PDF
Official Website

HPBOSE Class 10th Computer Science Model Question Paper 2023

Download Himachal Pradesh Board of School Education [HPBOSE] Class 10th Computer Science Model Question Paper 2023

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Download HPBOSE Class 10th Computer Science Model Question Paper 2023

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HPBOSE Class 10th Computer Science Model Questions 2023

Q1. State whether the following statements are true or false.
i. WAN stands for virtual Area Network.
ii. Network is a group of two or more computers.
iii. Internet Explorer is a web browser.
iv. Ctrl + P is the shortcut key to print an existing document.
v. In Excel Splitting cells means combining two or more cells to a single cell.
vi. Every formula must be prefixed by @ sign.
vii. E-mail stands for Electronic mail.
viii. Min ( ) is used to find the largest value.
ix. Autofill feature fills series of data in multiple worksheets.
x. MS-Excel is an application software.

Q2. Multiple Choice Questions:
i. ______________ is a network of networks.
a. MAN
b. LAN
c. Internet
d. None of these

ii. ISP stands for
a. Integrated Service Provider
b. Internet Service Provider
c. Internet Servey provider
d. None of these

iii. Which of the following is not a web browser.
a. Opera
b. Mozilla Firefox
c. Google Treat
d. Internet Explorer

iv. Which of the following is correct format of Email address.
c. Name@website@com
d. Noneof these.

v. A maximum of ___________ rows are available in worksheet. व
a. 1048576
b. 16384
c. 984664
d. 36524

vi. An excel workbook consist of _____________
a. Worksheets
b. Rows
c. Column
d. Formula

vii. __________sheets are in a workbook by default.
a. One b. Two c. Three d. Four

viii. What is the keyboard shortcut for closing a document in MS Excel.
a. ALT +F4
b. Ctrl +N
c. Ctrl +P
d. none of these

ix. _________ is located at the bottom of Excel window.
a. Formula bar
b. Status Bar
c. File menu bar
d. None of these

x. In Excel, Rows are labelled as ______________________.
a. A, B, C
b. 1,2,3
c. A1, A2, A3
d. None of these

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