Board Himachal Pradesh Board of School Education [HPBOSE]
Class 9th
Download Model Question Paper
Subject Science
Year 2023
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Official Website

HPBOSE Class 9th Science Model Question Paper 2023

Download Himachal Pradesh Board of School Education [HPBOSE] Class 9th Science Model Question Paper 2023

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Download HPBOSE Class 9th Science Model Question Paper 2023

Class 9th Science Model Question Paper 2023  Download Here

HPBOSE Class 9th Science Model Questions 2023

1. Rutherford’s alpha particle scattering experiment was responsible for the discovery of ?
** Nucleus of Electron
** Electron
** Proton
** Neutron

2. According to ancient Indian philosophers, how many were the basic elementsofmatter?
** 4
** 6
** 3
** 5

3. Air is a _____.
** Mixture
** Object
** Element
** Molecule

4. Color of chloroplast is ?
** yellow
** black
** green
** blue

5. Blood is an Example of whichTissue?
** Muscle
** Epithelium
** Neuron
** Connective Tissue.

6. Open seeds are present in?
** In Pteridophyte
** In Bryophytes
** In Gymnosperms
** In Angiosperms

7. Odometer measures?
** Accerlation
** Distance Travelled
** OnlySpeed
** Speed and Distance travelled

8. Unit of force is?
** Joule
** Meter/Second
** Neuton
** Kilogram

9. The reason for the movement of the moon around the earthis dueto?
** Gravitation Force
** Friction Force
** Centrifugation Force
** None of above

10.What is the total percentage of water on earth?
** 80%
** 5%
** 5%
** 0%

11. Causes of soil erosion?
** Rain
** Air
** Flood
** All of above

12. Air pollutant is?
** SO2
** NO2
** CO
** All of above

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