University Karnataka Department of Pre University Education
Course & Year II PUC
Subject Education
Download Annual Examination Model Question Paper
Year 2023
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PUE PUC II Education Model Question Paper 2023

Download Karnataka Department of Pre University Education (PUE) March 2023 Second Year PUC Education Annual Examination Model Question Paper.

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Download PUC II Education Model Question Paper 2023

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PUE Karnataka PUC II Education Model Questions

I. Answer the following questions by choosing correct answer: 10*1=10
1. Meaning of perception.
a. Process of sending external information to brain.
b. Transformation of information from sensory organs to Brain.
c. Perception is a process of understanding Sensation.
d. schemas or mental categories which enable us to interpret our objects

2. Father of Intelligence Test
a. Kamat.
b. Alfried Benet.
c Aurthar Otis
d. John Meyar

3. Which is called as Master Gland
a. Pituitary Gland.
b. Thyroid Gland.
c. Adrenal Gland
d. Sex Gland

4. Which disability does dyslexia show?
a. Witting disability.
b. Reading disability.
c. Arithmetic disability
d. Mental disability

5. Which Indian constitutional Article provides education as Fundamental Rights’?
a. 45th Article.
b. 21st Article.
c 73rd Article
d. 21/A article

6. Meaning of Organizing is?
a. Planning.
b. Making people working together
c Decision Making
d. coordinating.

7. The word communication derived from.
a. Communist
b. Communis
c Communication
d. Command

8. Computers used to explore space are______________.
a. Mainframe Computers
b. Super Computers.
c Mini computers
d. Micro Computers

9. A research which provides immediate solutions to a problem of classromm by teacher is _______
a. Fundamental Reaserch
b. Action research.
c Applied Research
d. Educational research

10. Value of the middle item of a series when it is arranged in ascending or descending order is________
a. Mean.
b. Range.
c Median
d. Measures of central tendency.

II. Match the following 5*1=5
11. A B
a) Aptitude i. Inferiority/ superiority
b) Mental Conflict ii. Proposal of Testing Reality
c) Life Skill iii. Present condition which is indicate future
d) Hypothesis iv. Attitude.
e) Block to Communication. v. Stress Management
vi. Block to Adjustment.

III. Answer the following questions in a sentence each. 5*1=5
12. Write the meaning of the word Reasoning.
13. What is Inclusive Education?
14. Expand-NCTE.
15. Define the term Internet.
16. Calculate Mode of- 2,4,3,5,6,4,5,4,3.

IV. Answer any ten of the following questions in 2-3 sentences each. 10*2=20
17. Write any two steps of creative thinking.
18. Write any two steps of Process of concept formation.
19. Calculate IQ of a 10 year old child whose mental age is 13 years.
20. Name any two escape defense mechanisms.
21. Mention any two importance of Inclusive Education.
22. Mention any two characteristics of children with mentally challenges.
23. Mention any two characteristics of Management.
24. Write two types of communication.
25. Write any two uses of smart classroom.
26. What are storage devices? Give one example.
27. Mention any two importance of e-mail.
28. What is fundamental research? Give one example.

V. Answer any eight of the following questions in 15-25 sentences each. 8*5=40
29. Explain the characteristics of sensation.
30. Mention uses of Intelligence test.
31. Briefly explain the dimensions of personality.
32. Make list of differences between traditional and Inclusive approaches.
33. Write the educational provisions provided to visually challenged.
34. Write need of women empowerment.
35. Explain the process of Total Quality Management through a flow chart.
36. Explain physical barriers to effective communication.
37. Explain communication process with flow chart.

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