University Karnataka Department of Pre University Education
Course & Year II PUC
Subject Information Technology
Download Annual Examination Model Question Paper
Year 2023
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Official Website https://pue.karnataka.gov.in/english

PUE PUC II Information Technology Model Question Paper 2023

Download Karnataka Department of Pre University Education (PUE) March 2023 Second Year PUC Information Technology Annual Examination Model Question Paper.

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Download PUC II Information Technology Model Question Paper 2023

Course & Subject Model Question Paper
II PUC Information Technology  Download Here

PUE Karnataka PUC II Information Technology Model Questions

Part – A:
I. Four Alternatives are given for each of the following questions Choosethe correct alternative & write the complete answer along with its Question number and alphabet

1. I ______________ take there if you like. (Add the correct helping verbs)
a) will
b) could
c) should
d) can

2. The new microchip from Intel is really very __________
a) small
b) tiny
c) short
d) little

3. Paste special option is available in _____________ dropdown menu.
a) home
b) insert
c) edit
d) tools

4. Accept or Reject option is available under _______ submenu of Edit menu.
a) changes
b) compare document
c) fill
d) paste special

5. _______________ is an electronic document by itself that is used for encrypting other documents such as spreadsheets, audio or video files, etc.
a) Digital file
b) Digital Certificate
c) Manual file
d) Manual Certificate

6. Rehearse timing option is available in _________ dropdown menu.
a) Slide show
b) slide view
c) slide sorter view
d) slide master

7. File extension for iCalendar files:_________
a) *.htm

8. Grouped by sort is available in _______ sub menu of _______ menu.
a) sort by and view
b) threads and view
c) tasks and insert
d) message body as and home

9. Hyperlink option is available under__________ menu in MEW.
a) File
b) Edit
c) Insert
d) Site

10. Frame page should be created from __________ menu.
a) File
b) Edit
c) Insert
d) Site

II Answer any TEN of the following questions. 10×2=20
11. Explain Call Center.
12. Write the advantages of Effective Listening skills.
13. Explain the procedure to edit a template in word document.
14. Explain the purpose of Pivot Chart in spreadsheet software.
15. Explain the purpose of Protect files in spread sheet.
16. Explain the procedure to insert Smart Art Graphics in Presentation software.
17. Explain the purpose of annotation in a presentation.
18. Explain the procedure to advance each slide with a custom timing (manual).
19. Explain the procedure to sharing a calendar Using Microsoft Outlook.
20. Explain the procedure to modify the default message view to plain text in email messaging.
21. Explain the procedure to create a new empty site in MEW.
22. List any five HTML editors.
23. Explain the procedure to create unordered lists in MEW.

Part- C:
III. Answer any SIX of the following questions. 6×3=18
24. Explain BPO, KPO and RPO.
25. Write the techniques for Active Listening.
26. Explain the procedure to create a label with custom size in word document.
27. Explain the procedure to include a return address to be used on an envelope in word document.
28. Explain the procedure to include hyperlinks in spreadsheets with different examples.
29. Explain the procedure to create a custom slide show in presentation software.
30. Explain the procedure to add commands to quick access toolbar with an example.
31. Explain the procedure to launch the image toolbar in email messaging.
32. Explain the procedure to insert clippings from YouTube in web page.
33. Explain the procedure to create multiple layers and positioning them.

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