University Karnataka Department of Pre University Education
Course & Year I PUC
Subject Information Technology (IT)
Download Model Question Paper
Year 2023-24
Document Type PDF
Official Website https://pue.karnataka.gov.in/english

PUE PUC I Information Technology Model Question Paper 2024

Download Karnataka Department of Pre University Education (PUE) 2024 First Year PUC Information Technology Examination Model Question Paper.

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Download PUE PUC I Information Technology Model Question Paper 2024

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PUE Karnataka PUC I Information Technology Model Questions

I. Four Alternatives are given for each of the following questions Choose the correct alternative & write the complete answer along with its question number and alphabet:
1. Ram in PC used to
a) Store the boot program
b) store applications
c) Load operating system
d) both b and c

2. Why is one time password safe?
a) It is easy to generate
b) It can’t be shared
c) It is different for every access
d) It is complex encrypted password

3. Fingerprint devices performance is judged by using which of the following parameter?
a) Audio
b) display
c) sensor technology
d) temperature range

4. In case Wi-Fi network is not available then we should use this network
a) SIM
b) data
c) LAN
d) Intranet

5. Linux is this operating system
a) open-source
b) proprietary
c) Unix
d) mobile

6.Misdirection of the user to different websites is called
a) spam
b) phishing
c) hijacking
d) trojan horse

7. Windows defender is a
a) spyware
b) anti-virus program
c) malware
d) application software

8. The computer network that is used outside the internet is
a) internet
b) WAN
c) intranet
d) LAN

9. Normally all Indian websites are indicated by this domain name
a) .au.
b) .us
c) .in

10. FTP stands for
a) File transfer protocol
b) File transfer practice
c) File to punch
d) Farmer transfer protocol

II. Answer the any TEN of the following questions:
11. Name the different types of computer systems.
12. Define RAM and ROM.
13. What is data security?
14. What is biometric?
15. List out the digital devices used in biometrics.
16. Write any two LAN based biometric devices.
17. Write the steps for connection of fingerprint to scanner device.
18. Define face scanner.
19. What is operating system? Give an example.
20. Write different states of process in process management.
21. Define computer network.
22. What is intranet and internet?
23. What is network hub?

III. Answer The Any Six Of The Following Questions:
24. Write components of computer systems?
25. Differentiate between qualitative data and quantitative
26. List out the physiological biometric data and Behavioral biometric data.
27. Differentiate between identification and verification system.
28. Write any 3 features of Digital camera.
29. List out the stages of process.
30. List the features of windows operating system.
31. Explain types of networks.
32. Explain the different wireless networking connections to computer.
33. Explain how internet work.

IV. Answer The Any Two Of The Following Questions:
34. a. Explain the advantages of data collection.
b. Explain precautions to be taken while creating a password.
35. a. Draw block diagram of biometric system.
b. Explain failure to enroll, False match, False non-match.
36. Explain types of operating systems.
37. Explain the any six of networking devices.

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