University Karnataka Department of Pre University Education
Course & Year I PUC
Subject Information Technology
Download Model Question Paper
Syllabus Reduced  Syllabus 2020-21
Document Type PDF
Official Website https://pue.karnataka.gov.in/english

PUE PUC I Information Technology Model Question Paper

Karnataka Department of Pre University Education (PUE) First Year PUC Information Technology Model Question Paper 2020-21 for reduced syllabus.

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Download PUE PUC I Information Technology Model Question Paper

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PUE PUC I Information Technology Model Questions

I. Four Alternatives are given for each of the following question incomplete statement. Choose the correct alternative and write the complete answer along with its question numbers and alphabets. 10X1=10
1. Put these coins the piggy bank.
a) on
b) of
c) in
d) between

2. I solved this issue for you. (choose the correct passive voice)
a) This issue is solving for me.
b) This issue was solved for you by me.
c) This issue will going to solve for me.
d) This issue had solved by me for you.

3. Location of host file in Linux is .
a) /private/etc/hosts
b) SYS:etc\hosts
c) /system/etc/hosts
d) /etc/hosts

4. is a simple text editor used to create the CSS code.
a) word pad
b) word processing
c) notepad
d) all of the above

5. gives a document a professional look and saves time.
a) styles
b) watermark
c) charts
d) images

6.Slide master view is available in tab.
a) home tab
b) view tab
c) slideshow tab
d) insert tab

7. Selection pane is available in _ group.
a) arrange group
b) styles group
c) illustration group
d) macros group

8.Goal seek is also called as .
a) what-if-analysis
b) back solving
c) both a & b
d) none of these

9.To sort mail messages based on size is called .
a)multiple criteria
b) single criteria
c) both a & b
d) only a

10.IPV4 uses bit addresses.
a) 32
b) 64

II. Answer the following in one or two sentences. (Any 10) 10X2=20
11. List the feature of a product in buying it.
12. What is a customer service report?
13. Explain Trademark with an example.
14. List any 3 examples of plagiarism?
15. Write the steps to create watermark in word processing.
16. Write the steps to create a template in spreadsheet.
17. List out the different Master slides in a presentation?
18. Write the steps for “preserving the slide master” in presentation software.
19. Write the procedure to create a distribution list in email messaging?
20. Explain the purpose of AUTO-IP?
21. Write the differences between break and continue statements.
22. Write the procedure to send presentation to word processing software.

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