University Karnataka Department of Pre University Education
Course & Year II PUC
Subject English
Download Annual Examination Model Question Paper
Year 2023
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Official Website https://pue.karnataka.gov.in/english

PUE PUC II English Model Question Paper 2023

Download Karnataka Department of Pre University Education (PUE) March 2023 Second Year PUC English Annual Examination Model Question Paper.

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Download PUC II English Model Question Paper 2023

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PUE Karnataka PUC II English Model Questions

I. Answer the following questions by choosing the right option. 12X1= 12
(Answer to this section should be in sequence and written on the first three pages of the answer book.)

1. Romeo compares ——— to a ‘rich jewel’ in an ‘Ethiope’s ear.
a. Montague
b. Rosaline
c. Juliet
d. Shakespeare

2. The army in Monaco consisted of ——— number of men in ‘Too Dear!’
a. seventy
b. sixty
c. fifty five
d. seventy five

3. In ‘When You Are Old’ the speaker loved the pilgrim soul of his beloved and also loved her ———— .
a. wealth
b. beauty
c. happiness
d. sorrows

4. There were ——— priests sitting on Gonzalo’s usual bench in the park in ‘A Sunny Morning’.
a. three
b. four
c. five
d. two

5. During the Chipko Movement’s dramatic actions mentioned by Vandana Shiva, the woman who led resistance against her husband was ————.
a. Carolyn Merchant
b. Vandana Shiva’s mother
c. Bachni Devi
d. Vandana Shiva’s sister

6. According to the narrator of ‘The Gardener’ man would lose his name on ———
a. becoming wealthy
b. composing ballads
c. reaching old age
d. acquiring friends

7. ————— will never disappear according to Borges.
a. Telephones
b. Swords
c. Books
d. Ploughs

8. In ‘Heaven If You Are Not Here On Earth’, the poet creates heaven on ——— .
a. streams
b. gardens
c. surf
d. Earth

9. The Japanese stores employ ________________ to greet customers.
a. singing girls
b. dancing girls
c. bowing girls
d. clapping girls

10. Marcus Ibe was a ———— before entering politics in ‘The Voter’.
a. school teacher
b. bicycle repairer
c. village chieftain
d. state minister

11. ———— sanctioned fifty mopeds for Arivoli women activists according to P. Sainath.
a. WHO
c. WTO

12. ———— is the new name acquired by water as mentioned in the poem ‘Water’.
a. Sparkling Water
b. Mineral Water
c. Clean Water
d. Healthy Water

13. Complete the following by filling the blanks using the right forms of verb given in the brackets. 3×1=3
In no time cycling became a way of life in Pudukkottai. It __________ (introduce) as a tool of social change. Mobility, facilitated by cycling ______ (include) as a part of literacy drive. The idea________ (propose) by Sheela Rani Chunkath, the district collector.

14. Fill in the blanks by choosing appropriate expressions given in the brackets. 2×1=2
It was the time of election. The campaign in Umuofia was _________ . All knew that the honourable minister would have a ___________. (in a soup, landslide victory, in full swing)

15. Fill in the blanks with the right linker given in the brackets. 4×1=4 (because, finally, gradually, that)
Rivalry between Tammanna and Basavaiah looked like healthy competition in the beginning. _______ it rose to such a pitch _______ they started competing in buying each acre of land in the village. _______ no land in the village was left for buying. Even then Basavaiah was not happy _______ he had 200 acres less than Tammanna

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