University Karnataka Department of Pre University Education
Course & Year I PUC
Subject Automobile
Download Model Question Paper
Year 2023-24
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Official Website https://pue.karnataka.gov.in/english

PUE PUC I Automobile Model Question Paper 2024

Download Karnataka Department of Pre University Education (PUE) 2024 First Year PUC Automobile Examination Model Question Paper.

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Download PUE PUC I Automobile Model Question Paper 2024

Course & Subject Model Question Paper
I PUC Automobile Download Here

PUE Karnataka PUC I Automobile Model Questions

A. Choose the correct answer 1×10=10
1. Triangle is a plane figure bounded by_____________________________________ sides
a) Two
b) Four
c) Three
d) Five

2. Fastener is a____________________________________ device
a) Hardware
b) Software
c) Electronic
d) Electrical

3. __________ is one of the oldest processes of manufacturing metallic components
a) Forming
b) Casting
c) Machining
d) Joining

4. ______is an instrument used to measure internal and external distances precisely.
a) Micro meter
b) Vernier Caliper
c) Multi meter
d) Feeler gauge

5. ______________color indicates that there are chances of coolant leakage.
a) Green
b) Blue
c) Yellow
d) Black

6. Ignition system converts current from______________ to _____________
a) 12V to 20000V
b) 12V to 22000V
c) 13V to 40000V
d) 12V to 25000V

7. A clutch must also transmit total engine_______________
a) Torque
b) Power
c) Fuel
d) Resistance

8. For removing nail from tyre__________ is used
a) Punch
b) Nose Pliers
c) Spanner
d) Screw driver

9. The stub axle holds the_________________________-
a) Brake
b) Tyre
c) Wheel hub
d) Clutch

10. _______________friction creating device which is used to stop the vehicle in shortest possible distance and time.
a) Suspension
b) Brake
c) Gear box
d) Transmission

B. Answer the following question (Answer any Ten):
11.Classify the engineering materials.
12.Draw a neat diagram of ‘drawing processes’.
13.Name the different types of measuring instruments.
14.What is function of Tachometer?
15.Name the materials and tools required to clean the engine.
16.What is meaning of ‘engine tuning’?
17.Name the various parts of cooling system.
18.Write the function of differential.
19.What is the function of clutch?
20.What is the function of gear box?
21.Name the materials and instruments required for repairing a tubeless tyre.
22.Write the importance of parking brake.
23.Why brake is necessary in vehicles?

C. Answer the following question (Answer any Six) :
24. Make a list of various types of dimension of drawing sheets.
25. Write the differences between bolt and screw.
26. Write the differences between washer and Stud.
27. Write the steps to remove unheaded screw broken in the assembly.
28. Write the steps for casting process.
29. Draw a neat diagram of Vernier Caliper and Label its parts.
30. List the types of leakages found in an engine.
31. Write the procedure for changing the lubricating oil
32. Write the differences between disc wheel and forged wheel.
33. Classify the types of brakes used in automobile vehicle.

D. Answer the following question (Answer any Two):
34.Make a list of drawing instruments used for geometric constructions.
35.List the important instruments which are fitted on the dashboard of a vehicle.
36.Write the steps to clean the engine.
37.Write the procedure for repairing of punctured tube.

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