University Karnataka Department of Pre University Education
Course & Year I PUC
Subject Beauty & Wellness
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Year 2023-24
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Official Website https://pue.karnataka.gov.in/english

PUE PUC I Beauty & Wellness Model Question Paper 2024

Download Karnataka Department of Pre University Education (PUE) 2024 First Year PUC Beauty & Wellness
Examination Model Question Paper.

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Download PUE PUC I Beauty & Wellness Model Question Paper 2024

Course & Subject Model Question Paper
I PUC Beauty & Wellness
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PUE Karnataka PUC I Beauty & Wellness Model Questions

I. Four alternative are given for each of the following questions or incomplete statements only one of them is correct or most appropriate choose the correct alternative and write the complete answer; 1X10=10

1) Round body shapes commonly called as
a) Hourglass
b) circle or apple shape
c) rectangular shape
d) Triangular shape

2) This is the main product used in Aromatherapy
a) Hair Oil
b) Cooking Oil
c) Essential Oil
d) Carrier Oil

3) People with this type of skin should avoid Scrub
a) Dry Skin
b) Normal Skin
c) Combination Skin
d) Oily Skin

4) Consulting Technique includes
a) Questioning
b) Manual
c) Visual
d) Fore sight

i) a, b & c are correct
ii) b, c & d are correct
iii) a, c & b are correct
iv) c, b & d are correct

5) This is a patch of hard thickened skin which accumulates as a result of pressure
a) Corns
b) Callus
c) Plat feet
d) Tines pedis

6) Complimentary colour for Blue Eyes
a) Red
b) Blue
c) Orange
d) Green

7) This numbered thread is used in Eyebrow Threading
a) 40
b) 50
c) 60
d) 70

8) This is the position of the hair that extend above skin surface
a) Hair Root
b) Hair Shaft
c) Medulla
d) Cuticle

9) Disinfectant Solutions used in Salon are
a) Barbicide
b) Dettol
c) Savlon
d) Phenyl

10) This is one of the barriers to communication
a) Using Targon
b) Emotional Barrier
c) Balance
d) Lack of the attention

i) a, b & c are correct
ii) a, b & d are correct
iii) a, c & b are correct
iv) a, d & b are correct

II. Write answer following questions (any 10):
11) What is rapport?
12) Name 5 basic body shapes.
13) What are carrier oils? Name any 2 carrier oils.
14) List the points to be considered while giving Nail shape.
15) What is Pedicure? Name the type in it.
16) List out any 4 chemical peels.
17 What are the contraindications for threading?
18) How do you determine eyebrow width?
19) Which are the 3 main layers of Hair?
20) Give any 2 reasons why people colour their hair.
21) Patch test is done before Hair colour Service. State true or false. Justify.
22) Differentiate between Hazard and Risk.
23) What are the components of Communication?

III. Write the answers for the following questions:
24) List any 3 tips to manage stress
25) What is the contraindication for Manicure?
26) List the Tools & Equipment’s required for Manicure.
27) What are the points to be considered while shaping Nails of Foot? Name the type of nails.
28) Explain the process of Paraffin Pedicure.
29) Differentiate Iontophoresis and Deincrustation.
30)Explain the procedure for Diamond Facial
31) Discuss the 3 phases of Hair growth Cycle
32) Enlist the verbal tactics for speaking on telephone.
33) Explain the treatments for cuts and wounds.

IV. Write the answers following the questions:
34)What are the benefits of Paraffin Manicure Treatment?
35) Write a note on Aromatherapy.
36) Write step by step application of Smokey Eye makeup.
37)How to maintain Book Keeping?

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