University Karnataka Department of Pre University Education
Course & Year II PUC
Subject Beauty & Wellness
Download Model Question Paper
Year 2023-24
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Official Website https://pue.karnataka.gov.in/english

PUE PUC II Beauty & Wellness Model Question Paper 2024

Download Karnataka Department of Pre University Education (PUE) 2024 Second Year PUC Beauty & Wellness Examination Model Question Paper.

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Download PUE PUC II Beauty & Wellness Model Question Paper 2024

Course & Subject Model Question Paper
II PUC Beauty & Wellness Download Here

PUE PUC II Beauty & Wellness Model Questions

Answer the following questions by choosing the right option :
1. This helps in selecting right lipstick color
(a) Skin tone
(b) Brand
(c) Skin pores
(d) Skin analysis

2. Sheer foundation Contains
(a) SPF 30
(b) SPF 40
(c) SPF 50
(d) SPF 90

3. These are used to improve or correct in perfections of skin
(a) concealer
(b) Face powder
(c) compact
(d) Foundation

4.This is a primary color
(a) Yellow
(b) Violent
(c) Orange
(d) Green

5. This are used for deep cleaning treatment .
(a) Galvanic
(b) electric Brush
(c) High frequency
(d) ultrasonic

6. Steaming helps
(a) unclog poses
(b) clog poses
(c) Remove dead skin
(d) Remove facial wrinkles

7. Main task of Receptionist to take
(a) Phone call
(b) book appointment
(c) Prompt action
(d) Phone calls and book appointment

8. The client get the first impression of the salon here
(a) Retail area
(b) front Desk
(c) Storage area
(d) Longue area

9. Appointment book is required for
(a) Maintain the reception area
(b) Scheduling an appointment
(c) payment
(d) Gift voucher

10. A caller who is in a hurry
(a) wants you to be brisk and efficient
(b) understanding and action
(c) Needs empathy
(d) Calm & lazy

Answer the following questions (any 10) :
1. What are complimentary colors ? Give an example
2. What do you mean by old jewellery trick?
3. Draw a neat flower style bind design . When to put in on.
4. Enlist make up removal techniques.
5. Write a note on Dry skin.
6. What are the benefit of steaming ?
7. Name some electric skin care treatment .
8. What are the contraindications for galvanic electro facial treatment?
9. What are the payment types available
10. How should a salon reception area be organized?
11. What is alcoholism?
12. How do you maintain salon staff room?
13. Name the skin types.

Answer the following questions (any 6) :
1. Name the skin types and explain oily skin.
2. What is the role of foundation in make up?
3. What are the benefit of translucent powder?
4. Differentiate warm and cool colors.
5. How do you steam the face ?
6. What are the main responsibilities of a receptionist?
7. How do you schedule an appointment ?
8. What all information needs to be collected from the client at the time of booking an appointment ?
9. How do you provide a caring environment to the client ?
10. What are the ways to reduce difficulties in telephonic communication?

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