University Karnataka Department of Pre University Education
Course & Year II PUC
Subject Automobile
Download Model Question Paper
Year 2023-24
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Official Website https://pue.karnataka.gov.in/english

PUE PUC II Automobile Model Question Paper 2024

Download Karnataka Department of Pre University Education (PUE) 2024 Second Year PUC Automobile Examination Model Question Paper.

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Download PUE PUC II Automobile Model Question Paper 2024

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II PUC Automobile Download Here

PUE PUC II Automobile Model Questions

Part – A:
A. Choose the correct answer :
1. Mechanic use___________________ to find for any defect in a vehicle
a) Job Card
b) Identity Card
c) Bill
d) Service Manual

2. In overhead valve mechanism(OHV), the camshaft fixed in the______________
a) Cylinder head
b) Crank case
c) Rocker arm
d) Cylinder block

3. In diesel engine, during the intake stroke________________ is drawn in the cylinder
a) Air and Fuel
b) Only Fuel
c) Only Air
d) Coolant

4. Diaphragm clutch requires ____ maintenance compare to other types of clutches.
a) More
b) Less
c) Little
d) Small

5. Where is the clutch located?
a) Between Transmission and Engine
b) Between Transmission and Rear Axle
c) Between Transmission and Differential
d) Between Engine and Propeller shaft

6. A vehicle wheel rotates at____________________ speeds, especially when turning
a) Regular
b) Constant
c) Variable
d) Different

7. The propeller shaft is mounted between _______________________ and ____________
a) Transmission and Engine
b) Engine and Differential
c) Transmission and Differential
d) Transmission and Chassis

8. Yellow cables are used for __________________
a) Generator Circuit
b) Battery Circuit
c) Ignition Circuit
d) Earth Circuit

9. The fuses are generally installed in a central______________
a) Battery
b) Fuse Box
c) Regulator
d) Alternator

10. The battery is an electrochemical device, which means battery_________
a) Makes chemical by mechanical means
b) Uses chemical action to provide electricity
c) Has curved plates instead of flat plates
d) Does not use an electrolyte

Part – B:
B. Answer the following question (Answer any Ten) :
11. What do you understand by ‘Service Manual’? Write the importance of service manual.
12. Classify the valve mechanism.
13. How many types of rings are used in piston? Mention the names of rings.
14. Why the cooling system is important in I.C engine
15. What is the function of clutch in a vehicle?
16. How many types of automatic transmission are used in a vehicle? Classify
17. Draw a neat diagram of ‘Leaf Spring’.
18. Classify the different types of steering box are used in automobile vehicle.
19. Why is suspension required in a vehicle?
20. Show the following items in symbolic form
a) Fuse
b) Earth Ground
21. Name any two types of auto electrical test equipment’s.
22. Write the importance of black cables.
23. What is the use of multimeter in auto electrical system?

Part – C:
C. Answer the following question (Answer any Six) :
21. List the contents of a vehicle service manual.
22. List the reasons for valve leakage in a vehicle.
23. Make a list of common faults in cooling system.
24. Describe the importance of drive shaft.
25. Write the procedure for removing clutch assembly from the engine.
26. Write three functions of differential.
27. Make a list of important functions of suspension system of a vehicle.
28. Why the life of shock absorber is affected? List the reasons.
29. Write the differentiate between brown cable and blue cable
30. Draw a circuit diagram of ‘Oil Pressure warning light’.

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