University Karnataka Department of Pre University Education
Course & Year II PUC
Subject Retail
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Year 2023-24
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Official Website https://pue.karnataka.gov.in/english

PUE PUC II Retail Model Question Paper 2024

Download Karnataka Department of Pre University Education (PUE) 2024 Second Year PUC Retail Examination Model Question Paper.

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Download PUE PUC II Retail Model Question Paper 2024

Course & Subject Model Question Paper
II PUC Retail  Download Here

PUE PUC II Retail Model Questions

Part – A:
I. Choose the correct answer:
1. Which one of these is not a source of identifying customer problem by the retailer
a) Feedback of sales associate
b) Customer Meet
c) Social group
d) Executives Meet

2.The following is /are not included in steps in dealing with the customer problems
a)Pay attention continuously cautiously to what the customer has to & let them resolve
b)Make an apology with blaming
c)Ask questions in helpful and troubled manner
d)Request the customer, what solution would be suitable to them.

3. Sales associate are not responsible for complaints related to__________________
a) Replacements of damaged group
b) Sending acknowledgement letter
c) Specific product complaint
d) Responsibility

4. With the customer helping to establish rapport and begin a new relationship
a) Interaction
b) Negotiating
c) Connecting
d) All of the above

5. The reason has to why customer feedback remains important in retail organisation_________________________
a) Support to improve a product or service
b) Offers the top techniques
c)Use to ignore customer advocates
d) Helps to progress customer retention

6. Disclosure of customer evidence to a third event requires preceding written accord of the__________________
a) Company
b) Customer
c) Government
d) All of the above

7. CRM comes with management of sales, customer care report and __________________
a) Selling
b) Buying
c) Marketing
d) Sales

8. 8.It is the accountability of the proprietor to safe guard that his/her workers essentially__________________ workers are protected through at work
a) Female
b) Male
c) Transgender
d) Both a & b

9. Team work in important to achieve for the following targets__________________
a) Training
b) Productivity
c) Engagement
d)All of the above

10.Communication is the job of conveying_______________________
a) Training
b) Information
c) Knowledge

II. Answer Any Ten Of The Following Questions:
11. State the sources of identification of customer problem.
12. List two benefits of negotiation.
13. What is an open ended question?
14. What is private policy?
15. How to meet customer expectations?
16. Define Sale.
17. How CRM reduces process time?
18. Give any two reasons for not meeting customer expectation.
19. What do you mean by customer service?
20. Why suggestion boxes used?
21. List the types of retail service.
22. What is unplanned change?
23. What is Team work?

III. Answer The Any Six Of The Following Questions:
24.State the sources of identifying customer problems.
25. What are the customer feedback tools?
26. What are the ways are getting customer fee back.?
27. Write procedure for delivering customer service.
28. Draw a chart of process of communication.
29.To improve interaction with customers. List some important tips for service staff to improve customer interaction.
30. Draw a chart containing the impact of change made in service offered by retailer.
31. What are the methods of collection of feedback.?
32.Discuss the reason for gap between retailer service and customer expectation.
33. What are the responsibilities of a team member.?

IV. Answer The Any Two Of The Following Questions:
34.How to communicate customer feedback?
35. For delivering reliable customer service every organization must follow some procedure. List the procedure.
36. What solution we can offer when customer expectation is not meet? Explain.
37. Explain the behavioral aspects in dealing with customer.

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