University Karnataka Department of Pre University Education
Course & Year I PUC
Subject Automobile
Download Model Question Paper
Syllabus Reduced  Syllabus 2020-21
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Official Website https://pue.karnataka.gov.in/english

PUE PUC I Automobile Model Question Paper

Karnataka Department of Pre University Education (PUE) First Year PUC Automobile Model Question Paper 2020-21 for reduced syllabus.

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Download PUE PUC I Automobile Model Question Paper

Course & Subject Model Question Paper
I PUC Automobile Download

PUE PUC I Automobile Model Questions

Part -A:
I. Choose the correct answer. 10 x 1=10
1. The triangle is a plane figure bounded by __________ sides
a) One
b) Two
c) Three
d) four

2. A4 sheet means ……………
A) 841*1189mm
B) 420*594mm
C) 210*297mm
D) 420*594mm

3. Important component of non-ferrous material
a) Aluminum
b) Chromium
c) Brass
d) All of the above

4. Iron containing carbon between 2 & 4 % is called ………..
A) Cast iron
B) Alloy steel
C) Magnesium
D) Copper

5. RPM is used to read …………
A) Viscosity
B) Resistance
C) Specific Gravity
D) Speed

6. % of heat removed by cooling system is ………….
A) 80%
B) 30%
C) 50%
D) 20%

7. Tube and tubeless tyre also known as ………………
A) Solid tyre
B) Pneumatic tyre
C) Hybrid tyre
D) Traditional Tyre

8. Clutch assembly helps in ……………..
A) Transmit total engine power to gear box
B) Transmit total engine power to steering
C) Transmit total engine power to engine
D) Transmit total engine power to front axle

9. Amount of copper normally used in today’s car is approximately……………..
A) 20 kilogram
B) 19 kilogram
C) 23 kilogram
D) 30 kilogram

10. Brakes which are assisted to work compressed air are called ………… brakes.
A) Air
B) Pneumatic
C) Oil
D) None of these.

Part -B:
II) Answer the following any ten question in one or two sentences each. 10X2=20
11. List out the essential instruments and equipment for geometric construction of drawing?
12. What do you mean by manufacturing process?
13. List the types of basic line?
14. Why engineering drawing are important in manufacturing and assembly?
15. List the basic steps of casting?
16. What is the function of clutch?
17. What is the difference between clutch and gear?
18. Mention the parts of cooling system?
19. Mention the procedure to check the leakage in the vehicle.
20. Write the Steps to clean or washing of the engine in a vehicle.
21. What is tuning?
22. Write the functions of gear box?
23. List the different types of brakes used in automobile?

III) Answer the following any six questions in two or three sentences each. 6×3 = 18
24. Construct an angle of 30 degree?
25. Sketch the layout of drawing sheet?
26. Give the classification of engineering material?
27. What is the difference between oil and coolant?
28. What are the steps to be followed while servicing of mechanical brakes?
29. What are the different joining process used in manufacturing process?
30. Give the difference between clutch and Gear?
31. Write a short note on objective of NSQF project?

IV) Answer the following any two question in five or six sentences each. 2×6 = 12
32. Describe the various production process in manufacturing unit?
33. Describe the regular maintenance of an engine?
34. Draw a diagram of Tube and tubeless tyre?
35. What are the steps to be followed in repair of punctured tube tyre?

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