Institute Velammal NEET & IIT Academy
Exam V-Star Scholarship Test 2023-24
Class Classes X to XI
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Velammal Nexus V-Star Scholarship Test Model Question Paper

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Download Velammal Nexus V-Star Scholarship Test Model Question Paper

Velammal Nexus V-Star Scholarship Test Model Question Paper Download Here

Velammal Nexus V-Star Scholarship Test Model Questions

1. Which of the following have high risk of HIV infection?
a) Drug addicts who take drugs orally
b) People with repeated blood transfusions
c) Children born to HIV infected mother
d) People with multiple sexual partners
e) People eating restaurant foods

1) all except e
2) a,b,d
3) b,c,d
4) all the above

2. Menstrual periods may become irregular in a married woman of 25 years old when
1) She follows periodic obstinence method of contraception
2) she is under OCP medication
3) she is subjected to tubectomy
4) her husband is drug addict

3.Which of the following is not a product of light reaction?
1) O2
3) High Energy electrons
4) Sugars

4. In eye donation, which one of the following parts of donor’s eye is utilized?
1) Iris.
2) Lens
3) Cornea
4) Retina

5. Match the following
List-1 List-2
A.Villi I.Heart
B. Myocardium II.Henle’s loop
C. Nephron III. Lungs
D. Alveoli IV. Digestion
V. Surface area increase.

1) A- V, B-I, C-II, D-III
2) A- IV, B-I, C-II, D-III
3) A- I, B-II, C-III, D-V
4) A- V, B-II, C-I, D-III

1. A sample of copper sulphate penta hydrate contains 3.782 g of copper. How many grams of oxygen are in this sample (At : wt of Cu is 63.5)
1) 0.952 g
2) 3.809 g
3) 4.761 g
4) 8.576 g

2. The mass of CaCO3 that is required to react with 25 m.l of 0.75 M HCl is
1) 0.94 g
2) 9.4 g
3) 0.094 g
4) 0.49 g

1. A vehicle is moving with a velocity of 36 kmph. On seeing red light, it decelerates at 2ms-2. If the reflex time of the driver is 0.4 s, then the distance travelled by the vehicle before coming to a stop is
1) 25 m
2) 29 m
3) 35m
4) 39 m

2. Assertion(A): The sail boat does not move when a fan is switched on, in the same boat.
Reason (R): Internal forces do not cause the motion of (boat and fan) system.

1) Both A and R are true and R explains A
2) Both A and R are true bur R do not explain A
3) A is true but R is false
4) A is false but R is true

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