Exam NIFT TEA Scholarship cum Admission Test
Institute NIFT-TEA College of Knitwear Fashion
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NIFT TEA Scholarship cum Admission Test Model Question Paper

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NIFT TEA Scholarship cum Admission Test Model Questions

General English

Choose the Accurate synonyms for the four given:
1. He was Ambitious——
a. Those who cherish great vision and fix high target propel their country forward
b .He cannot plan beyond tomorrow
c. Mr.Prem doesn’t have any aim in life
d. sages lead a contended life

2. Ganga Ram was Squashed——
a.the leader was etated
b.Reema was thrilled
c. Ramu was subdued
d. Radha was conceited

3. Clampa is on a Trekking trail—-
a. Swimming in my hobby
b.reading is an interesting things
c.Gardening is a beautiful hobby
d.climbing mountains is a challenging exercise

1. Who is So Rude
a. Immodest
b. stubborn
c. arrogant
d. polite

2. The earth which had laid Parched
a. moist
b. hot
c. withered
d. wet

3. The sun was eclipsed
a. exposed
b. made unimportant
c. over shadowed
d. over power

Make plural form of the words given
1. Datum 2. Tooth 3. Focus

Expand the abbreviation:
1. B.L 2. TB 3. PTO

Form a word by blending :
1.Breakfast+ lunch 2. Medical + care 3. Smoke+fog

Form compound words
1.Noun+Verb 2. Noun + Gerund 3. Preposition + Noun

Use the correct Model in the following:
1. I ——need your help
2. You— go
3. —- God bless you

Make a proper verb for the following :
1. I —— (see) all his movies
2. She —– (break) the Glass
3. She —– (have) a new bike

Fill in the blanks with suitable relative pronoun :
1. The pen —- I bought yesterday is missing
2. A Glass —-is empty Cannot be full
3. The man ——is honest is trustier

Fill in the blanks with suitable preposition:
1. He is a man—- means
2. Show me how—-do it
3. The river dried up——time

Questions for Designing students
A student may choose any one of the following themes
1. Make a floral design for a kid of 6 years girl using geometrical patterns.
2. Draw two accessories exclusive for the use of an office-goers male customer.
3. Make a landscape drawing for evening sunset or morning sunrise.
4. Render the 3D drawing for the given object: 1. Pen stand 2. Table Calendar
5. Draw a situation in detail: 1. Temple Festival 2.Childrens Park

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