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Exam Merit Scholarship Test
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Velammal Merit Scholarship Test Sample Paper

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Download Velammal Merit Scholarship Test Sample Paper

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Velammal Merit Scholarship Test Sample Paper [IX to X] Download Here
Velammal Merit Scholarship Test Sample Paper [X to XI] Download Here

Velammal Merit Scholarship Test Sample Questions

1. In which of the following cases, does a net zero force act on the object?
A) A ball rolling on the ground
B) A car taking a turn
C) A speeding bus
D) A bicycle moving straight with constant speed

2. A wooden box is given horizontal push of same strength on leveled surfaces of different nature. It travels shortest before coming to rest on
A) Marble floor
B) Glass floor
C) Polished wooden floor
D) Cotton bed

3. Rocket works on the principle of conservation of :
A) Mass
B) Linear momentum
C) Energy
D) Angular momentum

4. An athlete completes one round of a circular track of radius R in 40 s. His displacement at the end of 2 minutes will be :
A) 2πR
B) 6 πR
C) 2R
D) zero

5. The numerical ratio of displacement to distance is :
A) always less than one
B) always equal to one
C) always more than one
D) equal to or less than one

6. Four bodies are of m, 2m, 3m, 4m masses. In which body acceleration produced will be maximum on applying equal amount of force an each one of them.
A) m
B) 2m
C) 3m
D) 4m

7. Choose the correct alternative where should an object to placed so that a real and inverted image of the same size is obtained by a convex lens.
A) At the focus of the lens
B) At twice the focal length
C) At infinity
D) Between optical centre and focus of a lens

8. We can see the objects only when :
A) The object absorb all the light B) Scattered light reaches our eyes
C) The objects allow all the light pass through them
D) None of these

9. Hypermetropia is :
A) An eye defect in which image of an object is formed behind the retina.
(B) An eye defect in which image of an object is formed before the retina
(C) A lens defect in which image is not formed sharply on a single point.
(D) Lens defect in which a parallel beam of light does not exactly pass through the focus of the lens.

10. At a given temperature, sound travels fastest in
A) solids
B) Gases
C) Liquids
D) Vaccuum

11. If two ends of a wire connected to a battery, are dipped in distilled water, the compass needle brought near the circuit :
A) would keep moving in anticlockwise direction continuously.
B) would keep moving in clockwise direction continuously.
C) would remain still.
D) would show deflection.

12. The circuit is discontinuous :
A) when the switch is in ‘OFF’ mode
B) when the switch is in ‘ON’ mode
C) without any source of current
D) without a bulb

13. The angle between particle velocity and wave velocity in a transverse wave is :
A) zero
B) π/4
C) π/2
D) π

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