University | Karnataka Department of Pre University Education |
Course & Year | II PUC |
Subject | Automotive |
Download | Model Question Paper |
Test | First Test |
Document Type | |
Official Website | https://pue.karnataka.gov.in/english |
PUE PUC II Automotive Model Question Paper
Karnataka Department of Pre University Education (PUE) Second Year PUC Automotive First Test Model Question Paper 2021.
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Download PUC II Automotive Model Question Paper
Course & Subject | Model Question Paper |
II PUC Automotive | Download |
PUE PUC II Automotive First Test Model Questions
I.Fill in the blanks : 1X10=10
1.Suspension keeps the vehicles tyres in contact with the ———–.
2. Dial gauge works on the ———– and ———— principal.
3. The ———– of the bolt and nut must be same else the nut can not be ————- on the bolt.
4. For joining two metal part the nut is screwed on the ————–.
5.An automotive navigation system is a_____________ system designed for use in automobiles.
6. Regular Inspection of steering linkage is necessity to maintain ——— and ———— of the vehicle.
7.Studs are mechanical ————- which are ————– on one or both ends.
8. In the vernier calliper sliding jaw containing the ————– scale, moves over the main scale.
9.Rivets are usually —————- on the basis of their heads.
10. stud is screwed into the ————- hole without applying pressure.
II. Answer ANY ELEVEN questions in one or two sentence: 11X2=22
1.What are the advantages of using split pin as fastener?
2. What are the various alerts sign found in a dashboard of a vehicle?
3. Write the name of components of steering system.
4. Name different types of studs.
5. Explain the Importance of service manual.
6. What tools and equipment are required for servicing of shock absorber?
7. Sate the role of leaf spring in a vehicle?
8. What are the uses of anti-rust solution ?
9. Explain the Importance of angular measurement and measuring instruments.
10. Write the diagram of dial gauge.
11. Differentiate between bolt and screw.
12. What are advantages of power steering over manual steering?
III. Answer ANY FOUR questions in three or four sentence:4X3=12
1.What are advantages of using service manual?
2. Why wheel balancing is required in a vehicle?
3. Name different types of machine screws.
4. Describe the steps required the measure the bore of the object with the help of dial bore gauge.
5. Name different types of bolts.
IV. Answer ANY ONE question in five to six sentences. 6×1=6
1.Whatdo you understand by metric thread? Make a profile of metric thread and state all the terminologies.
2. Explain the following. a) Wheel balancing. b) Odometer c) Feeler Gauge
Download PUE Karnataka II PUC Reduced Syllabus 2020-21 Model Question Papers
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