University Karnataka Department of Pre University Education
Course & Year I PUC
Subject Psychology
Download Model Question Paper
Year 2022
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Official Website https://pue.karnataka.gov.in/english

PUE PUC I Psychology Model Question Paper 2022

Download Karnataka Department of Pre University Education (PUE) First Year PUC Psychology Model Question Paper 2022.

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Download PUC I Psychology Model Question Paper 2022

Course & Subject Model Question Paper
I PUC Psychology Download

PUE Karnataka PUC I Psychology Model Questions

I.Answer any Ten the following questions in a sentence each : 1 X 10= 10
1. Write the first definition of psychology.
2. Write the meaning of ‘Psyche’.
3. Who establish first psychological laboratory ?
4. Mention the two division of Nervous system ?
5. Which is the Master gland ?
6. What is cloning ?
7. What is voluntary attention ?
8. Who conducted experiment on chimpanzee ?
9. What is proactive inhibition ?
10. What is Memory ?
11. Give an example of unpleasant emotion ?
12. What are the Hormones responsible for sex drive.
13. What is mental image.
14. What is decision Making ?
15. What is Adulthood ?

II. Answer the Ten of the following questions in 2 to 3 sentences each: 2 X 10 =20
16.Write the Modern definition of Psychology.
17.Write about General psychology.
18.What is case study Method ?
19.Write the differences between naturalistic and controlled observation.
20.Mention the two types of cell division?
21.What is endocrine (ductiess) gland ? Give example.
22.Mention any two characterstics of sensation ?
23.What is illusion ? Give Example.
24.What is Learning ?
25.What is Transfer of Learning ?
26.What is explicit Memory ?
27.Mention the types of motivation.
28.Write about Anxiety.
29.Name the types of Reasoning.
30.Write the differences between maturation and development.

III. Answer the Eight of the following questions in 15 to 30 sentences each: 5 X 8=40
31.Explain the Industrial and education psychology.
32.Discuss introspection method.
33.Describe the functions of Thyroid gland.
34.What is Twins ? Explain the types of twins.
35.Explain affiliation motive.
36.Write about different learning disabilities.
37.Explain trail and error method of learning.
38.Discuss the types of Long term memory.
39.Explain the economical methods of memorization.
40.Analys the span of attention.
41.Write the characteristics of creative thinkers.
42.Explain the factors effecting problem solving.
43.Explain the piaget’s stages of cognitive development .
44.Describe physical development of childhood.

IV.Answer the Two of the following questions in 30 to 35 sentences each: 10 X 2= 20
45.Explain the importance of psychology in everyday life.
46.Write a neat diagram of neuron. Label the parts and explain their functions.
47.Explain the objectives and subjective factors which are influence attention.
48.Explain the physical and psychological changes during emotion

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