University Karnataka Department of Pre University Education
Course & Year I PUC
Subject Psychology
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Year 2023-24
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Official Website https://pue.karnataka.gov.in/english

PUE PUC I Psychology Model Question Paper 2024

Download Karnataka Department of Pre University Education (PUE) 2024 First Year PUC Psychology Examination Model Question Paper.

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Download PUE PUC I Psychology Model Question Paper 2024

Course & Subject Model Question Paper
I PUC Psychology Download Here

PUE Karnataka PUC I Psychology Model Questions

I. Choose the correct answer:
1. NIMHANS was established in the year ________
a) 1924
b) 1955
c) 1879
d) 1905

2. Down’s syndrome was first described by _______
a) J.B.Watson
b) skinner
c) Longdon down
d) Pavlov

3. Identify the correct statement in the following statements
a) Problem with the comprehension of numbers and science is called Dyscalculia
b) Problem with pronunciation of words is called Dyscaculia
c) Problem with the style of writing is called Dyscalculia
d) Problems are a variety of reading or writing difficulties called Dyscalculia

4. Stages in creative thinking ________
a) Preparation
b) incubation
c) illumination
d) All the above

5. This is unpleasant emotion _______
a) Anger
b) Joy
c) Affection
d) Love

II. Fill in the blanks with appropriate given :
(Sensation, Introspection, Gonads concept, Negative transfer)
6. _______ method is the report of conscious experience that has already accursed.
7. Sex glands are also called _______
8. _______ is an awareness of condition inside and outside the body.
9. In ______ acquisition of one skill interferes with acquisition of another.
10. _______ is a mental representation of a category.

III. Match the following :
11. A B
1.Schizophrenia a) Genotype
2. Ducted glands b) alzheimer’s disease
3. Person genetic inheritance c) psychoses
4. Abnormal forgetting d) pleasant emotion
5. Empathy e) sweat

IV. Answer the following questions in a word or a sentence:
12. What is experimental group?
13. Who developed insightful learning?
14. What is memory?
15. What is convergent thinking?
16. How does thirst occur?

V. Answer any seven questions in 2-3 sentences each:
17. write the modern definition of psychology.
18. What is the abnormal behavior?
19. What is observation method?
20. Name the types of twins.
21. Write the meaning of the word ‘Adolescene’.
22. What is voluntary attention? Give an example.
23. What is learning?
24. Write about imitation learning.
25. What is massed learning?
26. What are the two types of interference?
27. What is creative thinking?
28. What are pleasant emotions?

VI. Answer any six of the following questions in 10-12 sentences each:
29. Explain about educational psychology.
30. Explain the case history method with advantages and disadvantages.
31. Explain the four lobes of the brain.
32. Explain the importance of adrenal gland.
33. Describe the eating disorders.
34. Write the characteristics of sensations.
35. How do you justify trial and error learning methods?
36. Write the causes of abnormal forgetting.
37. Describe the types of reasoning.
38. How do control anger? Discuss.

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