University Karnataka Department of Pre University Education
Course & Year II PUC
Subject Psychology
Download Annual Examination Model Question Paper
Year 2023
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PUE PUC II Psychology Model Question Paper 2023

Download Karnataka Department of Pre University Education (PUE) March 2023 Second Year PUC Psychology Annual Examination Model Question Paper.

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Download PUC II Psychology Model Question Paper 2023

Course & Subject Model Question Paper
II PUC Psychology Download Here

PUE Karnataka PUC II Psychology Model Questions

I. Select the correct alternative from the choices given/Answer the following questions by choosing the correct answer. (5X1=5)

1. Who proposed two factor theory………………………….
a) Louis Thurston
b) Robert Sternbory
c) Chorles Spearman
d) Terman and Merrill.

2. An person restoring to childhood made of beher under crifical situation.
a) Displacement
b) Sublimation
c) Rationalization
d) Regression

3. Schizophrenna means ……………………..
a) Split mind
b) Two Sides
c) Like
d) None of the above

4. The necessary State of reediness for a person to become motivated
a) Prejudice
b) Attitude
c) Social distance
d) Stereotypes

5. Psycho analytie therapy proponents.
a) Sigmurd Freut
b) J B Watson
c) B.F.Skinnes
d) Maslow

II. Fill in the blanks by choosing the appropriate words from those given in the brackets. 5 X 1= 5
[Williamson, OCD, Mask, Lifeskill, crowd]

6. ‘Persona’ means ………………………..
7. Suggerting adaptabifiy to everyday problems……………………
8. An unwanted, unpleasant thought that repeatedly enters a person’s mide……..
9. Collection of people, who may be present at a place by chance………………………
10. Directive counseling proposed by …………………………

III. Match the following 5 X 1=5
11. 1) WBC a) Hostile action
2) Irrational fear b) Eerthqyake, Tsunani
3) Antilocution c) Ansiety
4) Natural Disasters d) Group Therapy
5) Treating five to 10 e) Write blood corpuseles people together

IV. Answer the following question in a word or a sentence. 5 X 1=5
12. Give the example to fustress.
13. What is meant by Dissocition ?
14. What is group ?
15. Who proposed cognitive Beherious therapy ?
16. What is pollution?

Part –B:
V. Answer any nine of the following questions in 2 to 3 sentences each. 9 X 2=18
17. Write weshsler’s definition of Intelligence.
18. Compute IQ of a girl, whose chronlagical age (10) and Mental age (MA) is 14 ?
19. Write the difference between source traits and surface traits ?
20. What is Projection ? Give an example.
21. What is meant by Stress ?
22. What is meant by Destress ? Give an example.
23. Write the sources of Stress.
24. What is meant by Phobia ?
25. Write a note on Attention Defien Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)
26. Write the two objectives of psychotherapy.
27. Write any two Characterstics of a group.
28. What is poverty ? Give an example.
29. Define prejudice.
30. What is meant by body language?

VI. Answer any Seven of the following questions in 10-12 sentences each. 7 X 4= 28
31. Explain different types of Intelligence tests.
32. Define mental retardation? Write the characteristics of M.R.
33. Describe thematic apperception test (TAT)
34. Describe carl Jung’s type personality.
35. Discuss the type of conflicts.
36. What is meant by somatization disorders? Explain any Two
37. Explain briefly on Yoga Therapy.
38. What is conformity ? Discuss the types.
39. Explain briefly on Bogardes social distance scale.
40. Explain the human factors influencing on environment.
41. Explain the counseling guidance on PU Stage.

VII. Answer any four of the following question in 20-25 sentences each. 4 X 6= 24
42. Explain the biological factors influencing the intelligence.
43. Explain Rorschach ink Blot Test.
44. Discribe Manic-depressive psychoses (Bipoler-mood disorder)
45. Explain Bio-Medical Therapy.
46. Explain the origin and growth f prejudice .
47. Discuss on the types of groups.
48. Explain Carl Roger’s non-directive counselling.

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