University Karnataka Department of Pre University Education
Course & Year I PUC
Subject Physics
Download Model Question Paper
Year 2022
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Official Website https://pue.karnataka.gov.in/english

PUE PUC I Physics Model Question Paper 2022

Download Karnataka Department of Pre University Education (PUE) First Year PUC Physics Model Question Paper 2022.

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Download PUC I Physics Model Question Paper 2022

Course & Subject Model Question Paper
I PUC Physics Download

PUE Karnataka PUC I Physics Model Questions

Part- A:
I. Answer any TEN of the following questions: 10 × 1 = 10
1. Name the domain of Physics which includes phenomena at the laboratory and astronomical scales.
2. Which is the strongest fundamental force in nature?
3. Define displacement of a particle.
4. Write the magnitude of ̂.
5. For what angle of projection, range of a projectile is maximum?
6. State Aristotelian law of motion.
7. Mention the expression for centre of mass of a system of two particles lying in a straight line.
8. In given materials steel, brass and copper, which is more elastic?
9. What is Magnus effect?
10. Give the meaning of sublimation.
11. Mention the SI unit of thermal conductivity.
12. Write the statement of Zeroth law of thermodynamics.
13. On what factor does the mean free path of a gas molecule depend?
14. Give an example for periodic motion.
15. What are free oscillations?

Part- B:
II. Answer any FIVE of the following questions: 5 × 2 = 10
16. Write the number of significant figures in 2.386 and 0.0340
17. Distinguish between scalars and vectors.
18. What is centripetal acceleration? Give the expression for it.
19. Mention any two advantages of friction.
20. State and explain Hooke’s law.
21. Write the expression for capillary rise of liquid and explain the terms.
22. Convert 1000 C into Fahrenheit and Kelvin scale of temperature.
23. Mention the degrees of freedom for (i) monatomic molecule and (ii) diatomic molecule.
24. Draw the graphs to represent the (i) variation of displacement and (ii) variation of velocity with time for a particle undergoing SHM.
25. What are nodes and antinodes in standing waves?

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