University Karnataka Department of Pre University Education
Course & Year I PUC
Subject Business Studies
Download Model Question Paper
Year 2023-24
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Official Website https://pue.karnataka.gov.in/english

PUE PUC I Business Studies Model Question Paper 2024

Download Karnataka Department of Pre University Education (PUE) 2024 First Year PUC Business Studies Examination Model Question Paper.

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Download PUE PUC I Business Studies Model Question Paper 2024

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I PUC Business Studies Download Here

PUE Karnataka PUC I Business Studies Model Questions

I. Choose the correct answer:
1. Which of the following does not characterize business activity?
a. Production of goods and services
b. Presence of risk
c. Sale of exchange of goods and services
d. Salary or Wages

2. In a cooperative society the principle followed is,
a. One share one vote
b. One man one vote
c. No vote
d. Multiple votes

3. PSEs are organisations owned by
a. Joint Hindu family
b. Government
c. Foreign Companies
d. Private Entrepreneurs

4. A self service terminal that provides the customers with facilities of withdrawing and depositing cash, fund transfer, obtaining account statement and closing balance etc., but through a unique and secured PIN is called___
a. EFT
b. ATM
c. EDI
d. POS

5. The maturity period of a commercial papers usually ranges from
a. 20 days to 40 days
b. 60 days to 90 days
c. 120 days to 365 days
d. 90 days to 364 days

II. Fill in the blanks by choosing appropriate word/words from those given in the brackets:
[Cottage, Trade, Internal, BIFR, NABARD, Memorandum of association]

6. Buying and Selling of goods is called as __________
7. Reconstruction of sick public sector is taken up by ___________
8. Important document of Joint Stock Company is ___________
9. The industries set up in village areas is called ____________ industries.
10. The trade that takes place within the boundary of a country is called _____ trade.

III. Match the following:
11. A B
a. Joint Stock Company i) Business to Business
b. Business services ii) Cheap Jacks
c. B2B iii) Import and Export
d. Type of iterinant retailer iv) Separate legal entity
e. Mode of entry into international business v) Transportation
vi)Business to Bank

IV. Answer the following questions in one word or one sentence each:
12. State any one element of business ethics.
13. Give the meaning of Public Deposits.
14. Expand NABARD.
15. What are mail order houses?
16. Tejas want to start export business, but he don’t know the formalities related to exporting. Suggest Tejas, any one middlemen who helps him in export business.

V. Answer any six of the following questions in two or three sentences, each question carries 2 marks:
17. What is business risk?
18. Define partnership.
19. Write any 2 features of Multi-National Companies.
20. List the steps involved in online trading.
21. Mention any two responsibilities of business towards customers.
22. What is prospectus?
23. Write any two advantages of retained earnings.
24. State any two factors which affect the choice of source of business.
25. What is entrepreneurship?
26. Mention any two products which can be sold through AVM

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