University Karnataka Department of Pre University Education
Course & Year II PUC
Subject Business Studies
Download Model Question Paper
Year 2023-24
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Official Website https://pue.karnataka.gov.in/english

PUE PUC II Business Studies Model Question Paper 2024

Download Karnataka Department of Pre University Education (PUE) 2024 Second Year PUC Business Studies Examination Model Question Paper.

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Download PUE PUC II Business Studies Model Question Paper 2024

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II PUC Business Studies Download Here

PUE PUC II Business Studies Questions

Part – A:
I. Choose the correct answer:
1. Top level management consist of
a) Chairman
b) First line management
c) Division heads
d) Supervisors

2. Henri Fayol was a
a) Social scientist
b) Mining engineer
c) Accountant
d) Production engineer

3. A strategy is derived from
a) Policy
b) objectives
c) method
d) Rule

4. Ganga Ltd., is a company dealing in metal products. The work is mainly divided into functions including production, purchases, marketing, Finance and Human resources. Identify the type of organisational structure followed by the organisation.
a) Functional structure
b) Divisional structure
c) Formal structure
d) Informal structure

5. Which of the fallowing is promotion mix?
a) Advertising
b) Production
c) Transportation
d) price

II. Fill in the blanks by choosing appropriate word/words from those given in the brackets: [ Motivator, Trade mark, Emergency, Budget, capital structure, motivation]
6. Gang plank can be used in case of_________
7. A ________is a statement of expected results expressed in numerical terms.
8. ___________is the technique used to motive people in an organisation.
9. ________refers to the mix between owner’s funds and barrowed funds.
10. The part of the seal that is given legal protection is called__________

III Match the fallowing:
11. A B
a) General guidelines i) Management function
b) Authority ii) Staffing process
c) Recruitment iii) Charecterstics of business
d) Controlling iv) Pramotion technique
e) Advertisement v) Right to commond
vi) Marketing

IV Answer the following questions in one word or one sentences each:
12. What is process?
13. State any one difference between training and development.
14. Name the theory evolved by Abraham Maslow.
15. A company wants to establish a new unit in which a machinery worth Rs. 10 lakh is involved. Identify the type of decision involved in financial management.
16. In which year the consumer protection Act was passed?

V Answer any six of the following questions in Two or Three sentences each. Each question carries 2 marks:
17. Define Management.
18. State any two principles of Scientific Management contribution by F W Taylor.
19. What is ‘Method’ under plan?
20. State any two differences between Formal and Informal organisation.
21. State two internal source of Recruitment.
22. State any two psychological barriers to communication.
23. Write any two limitation of Controlling.
24. State the twin objectives of financial planning.
25. Give two examples for convenience goods.
26. State any two responsibilities of consumer.

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