University Karnataka Department of Pre University Education
Course & Year I PUC
Subject Business Studies
Download Model Question Paper
Year 2022
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Official Website https://pue.karnataka.gov.in/english

PUE PUC I Business Studies Model Question Paper 2022

Download Karnataka Department of Pre University Education (PUE) First Year PUC Business Studies Model Question Paper 2022.

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Download PUC I Business Studies Model Question Paper 2022

Course & Subject Model Question Paper
I PUC Business Studies Download

PUE PUC I Business Studies 2022 Model Questions

I. Answer any Ten of following questions in a word or a sentence each.
1. Name the economic activity in which people are rewarded with salary or wages for their work.
2. The head of the Joint Hindu family business is called: a) Proprietor b) Director c) Karta d) Manager
3. Give an example of departmental undertakings.
4. Which Act regulates banking service in India?

5. ——–. DTH Service are provided by:
(a) Transport companies
(b) Banks
(c) Cellular companies
(d) None of these

6. The payment mechanism most typical to e-businesss is:
(a) Cash on delivery
(b) Cheques
(c) Credit and Debit cards
(d) E-cash

7. Mention any one type of pollution.

8. A prospectus is issued by:
(a) A private company
(b) A public company seeking investment from public
(c) A public company
(d) A government company

9 Expand SEBI.
10. What is business finance?
11. Name one method of factoring.
12. In which year MSMED Act was enacted?
13. Which type of trader acts as a link between manufacturers and retailers?
14. Give an example for international trade in services.

15. Which of the following documents is not required in import procedure?
(a) Bill of lading
(b) Shipping bill
(c) Certificate of origin
(d) Letter of advice.

II. Answer any Ten of the following questions in two or three sentences each. Each question carries two marks: 10×2=20
16. What is business?
17. What is particular partnership?
18 State any two feature of Government Company.
19. Give any two differences between goods and services.
20. State any two resources required for the successful implementation of e-business.
21. What is social responsibility of business?
22. State any two elements of business ethics.
23. Give the meaning of minimum subscription.
24. State any two types of preference shares.
25. What is entrepreneurship?
26. What is intellectual property rights (IPR)?
27. State any two alternatives available for customers to make payments in mail order business.
28. Give the meaning of vending machine.
29. What is portfolio investment?
30. Mention any two major products which are imported by India.

III. Answer any SEVEN of the following questions in 10 to 12 sentences. Each question carries four marks.
31. Explain briefly the different types of manufacturing industry.
32. Explain briefly the causes of business risks.
33. Explain any four merits of sole proprietorship forms of business organization.
34. Explain any four benefits of e-business.
35. Explain briefly any four reasons to justify the need for outsourcing
36. Explain briefly any four favorable arguments of social responsibility
37. Explain the social responsibility of business towards the workers or employees.
38. Explain any four clauses of Memorandum of Association.
39. Write short notes on: a) Public deposits b) Commercial papers
40. Explain briefly the merits of debentures as a source of business finance.
41. Explain briefly any four points which highlight the role of small business in India.
42. Explain briefly the different types of itinerant retailers.
43. Explain briefly any four features of departmental stores.
44. Explain briefly any four benefits of international business to nations.

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