Board Karnataka Secondary Education Examination Board [KSEEB]
Exam SSLC Exam [Class 10th]
Download Question Papers
Year April 2018
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Official Website https://sslc.karnataka.gov.in/english

KSEEB SSLC Exam Question Papers

Download  Karnataka Secondary Education Examination Board [KSEEB] April 2018 SSLC Examination Question Papers

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KSEEB SSLC April 2018 Question Papers Download

SSLC English Question Paper

Part – A ( Prose, Poetry and Supplementary Reading )
I. Answer the following questions in a sentence each :
1. Why didn’t the man fit in with the scheme of things in Workers’ Paradise ?
2. How, according to the author, is a bottle of coke harmful to our human body ?
3. What is compared to dirty linen in the poem “To a Pair of Sarus Cranes” ?
4. How did the female sarus crane try to bring its male partner back to life ?

II. Answer the following questions in two sentences each :
5. What changes took place in the girl after the wrong man gave her the painted pitcher ?
6. What does Anne’s diary reveal about her father and her mother ?
7. Why does the writer say that the model of development based on consumerism is suicidal ?
8. How did Jean convince Pierre that he should go and get the tart ?
9. Why didn’t Ellen’s father suspect Lochinvar’s intentions ?
10. How did Drona justify his unfair demand ?
11. What was the condition laid by Indra while granting the boon to Karna ?
12. How did the brave Greeks make the Cyclop blind ?

III. Answer the following questions in four to five sentences each :
13. How does Sir C. V. Raman describe the rain-fed tanks ?
14. Describe the experiment conducted by Pasteur to show the difference between pure and stale air.
15. Explain the message brought out by Basavanna in the poem ‘The Temple and the Body’.
16. Explain the comparisons used by William Shakespeare to describe his aging body.
17. How was Ben left marooned on the island ?

IV. Explain with reference to the context :
18. “It’ll grow out again – you won’t mind, will you ?”
19. “Have you noticed that the trees seem to be moving while we seem to be standing still ?”
20. He moves in darkness as it seems to me.
21. What woman’s happier life repays Her for those months of wretched days ?

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