Department Telangana State Board of Intermediate Education [TSBIE]
Class Inter I [Class 11th]
Subject & Medium Zoology [English Medium]
Download Model Question Paper
Year 2021-22
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TSBIE Inter I Zoology Model Question Paper

Download Telangana State Board of Intermediate Education [TSBIE] Inter I [Class 11th] Zoology Model Question Paper 2021-22 Online PDF Free

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Download TSBIE Inter I Zoology Model Question Paper

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TSBIE Inter I Zoology Model Questions

Section – A :
(i) Answer ANY TEN Questions
(ii) Each Question carries TWO marks
(iii) All are very short answer type questions.

1. Write the full form of IUCN. In which book threatened species are enlisted.
2. Distinguish between embryology and ethology.
3. What are retroperitoneal organs?
4. What are the excretory cells of flatworms called? What is the other important function of these specialized cells?
5. Distinguish between milt and spawn.
6. How does your body solve the problem of altitude sickness, when you ascend tall mountains?
7. Distinguish between white matter and greymatter of ‘CNS’.
8. Define species richness.
9. What do you call the locomotor structures of Nereis? Why is Nereis called a polychaete?
10. What is the other name for the gill of a mollusc? What is the function of osphradium?
11. What is a hyper-parasite? Mention the name of one hyper-parasite.
12. Give the names of any four protosotomian phyla.
13. Describe the methods of biological control of mosquitoes.
14. Distinguish between altricial and precocial hatchlings.
15. Distinguish between exocrine glands and endocrine glands with examples.

Section – B :
(i) Answer ANY SIX questions.
(ii) Each question carries FOUR marks.
(iii) All are of short answer type questions.
(iv) Draw labelled diagrams wherever necessary

16. Write short notes on typhoid fever and its prophylaxis.
17. Explain Haversian system.
18. Explain in brief ‘Biodiversity Hot Spots’ .
19. Compare and contrast cartilaginous and bony fishes.
20. Write a short note on the pathogenicity of Entamoeba histolytica.
21. Describe briefly about the three types of intercellular junctions of epithelial tissues.
22. What is the ‘evil quartet’?
23. Compare briefly a centipede and a millipede.
24. Name the four ‘hallmarks’ of chordates, and explain the principal function of each of them.
25. Explain vant’ Hoff rule.
26. Why in adolescence is considered vulnerable phase?
27. Define species. Explain the various aspects of ‘species’.
28. Write eight salient features of the class Amphibia.
29. Explain brood parasitism with a suitable example.

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