Department Telangana State Board of Intermediate Education [TSBIE]
Class Inter I [Class 11th]
Subject & Medium Commerce [English Medium]
Download Model Question Paper
Year 2021-22
Document Type PDF
Official Website

TSBIE Inter I Commerce Model Question Paper

Download Telangana State Board of Intermediate Education [TSBIE] Inter I [Class 11th] Commerce Model Question Paper 2021-22 Online PDF Free

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Download TSBIE Inter I Commerce Model Question Paper

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TSBIE Inter I Commerce Model Questions

Part-I (50 Marks):
Section-A :
Note : Answer ANY TWO of the following questions not exceeding 40 lines each.
1. What is Sole Proprietorship? Explain the features of Sole Proprietorship.
2. Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of Co-operative Societies.
3. Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of Partnership.
4. Differentiate between a Private Company and a Public Company.
5. What is Business Finance? Explain its significance in the Business Organizations.

Note : Answer ANY FOUR of the following questions not exceeding 20 lines each.
6. Define Business. Explain it’s characteristic features.
7. Define Trade and explain various types of aids to trade.
8. State the types of Foreign Trade.
9. Explain any five advantages of Sole Proprietorship.
10. Explain any five types of Partners.
11. Explain any five advantages of Joint Stock Company.
12. What are the functions of a Promoter?
13. Discuss the privileges offered to MSMEs in India.
14. Explain the benefits of e-Business.

Section C :
Note : Answer ANY FIVE of the following questions not exceeding 5 lines each.
15. What is Business?
16. What is Profession?
17. What is Foreign Trade?
18. What is Sole Proprietorship?
19. Who is an Active Partner?
20. What is Government Company?
21. What is Capital Subscription?
22. What is Working Capital?
23. What is Small Enterprise?
24. What is e-Business?
25. What is e-Marketing?

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