Department Telangana State Board of Intermediate Education [TSBIE]
Class Inter I [Class 11th]
Subject & Medium Public Administration [English Medium]
Download Model Question Paper
Year 2021-22
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Official Website

TSBIE Inter I Public Administration Model Question Paper

Download Telangana State Board of Intermediate Education [TSBIE] Inter I [Class 11th] Public Administration Model Question Paper 2021-22 Online PDF Free

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Download TSBIE Inter I Public Administration Model Question Paper

Telangana Inter I Public Administration Model Question Paper Download Here

TSBIE Inter I Public Administration Model Questions

Section A:
1. Explain the nature and scope of Public Administration.
2. State the merits and demerits of decentralization?
3. Write the advantages and disadvantages of centralization and decentralization?
4. Explain the principles of scientific management
5. Discuss the various types of training.
6. Write an essay on Parliamentary Control over Administration.
7. Describe the Concept of Good Governance and explain its

Section B:
8. Explain the importance of Public Administration.
9. Define Public Administration.
10. Write the types of planning.
11. What are the limitations of hierarchy?
12. Explain the relation and distinction between line and staff agencies?
13. Write an essay on Contribution of F.W.Riggs to Ecological approach
14. Write the advantages of Out Sourcing.
15. What are the merits and demerits of direct recruitment.
16. What is the meaning of Recruitment?
17. Explain how the Budget is Prepared.
18. What is Voting of Demands for Grants?
19. Examine Citizens control over administration.
20. Write a comment on Citizens’ Charter in India.
21. Explain the importance of Adjournment Motion.
22. What are the steps to be followed in designing of Office Layout?
23. Identify the issues in Office Accommodation.
24. Describe the elements of Good Governance.
25. Describe how the process of globalisation has reformed Public Administration.

Section C :
27. Centralization
28. Define planning
29. Types of line agencies
30. Functional foremanship
31. Lyndall Urwick
32. Prismatic society
33. Charismatic Authority
34. Training Contents.
35. Out Sourcing
36. Interview.
37. General Discussion
38. Appropriation Bill
39. Performance Budget
40. Calling Attention Motion
41. Habeas Corpus
42. Committee on Public Undertakings
43. Public Opinion
44. Video Conference
45. Human Resources
46. Infrastructure Facilities
47. Globalisation
48. Transparency
49. Peoples Participation
50. Good Governance

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