Service Link TNEB Service Connection Number With Aadhaar Online
Department Tamil Nadu Generation and Distribution Corporation [TANGEDCO]
Eligibility Domestic Consumers
Service Mode Online
State Tamil Nadu
Required Details Service Connection Number & Scanned Aadhar Card
Official Website https://www.tangedco.gov.in/index.html#

How To Link EB With Aadhaar Online?

TANGEDCO has started the process of linking domestic consumers electricity service connection with their Aadhaar, in line with the government order issued recently which made it compulsory to continue to get subsidy. (Only for Domestic, Power loom, Agriculture and Hut services)

TANGEDCO TNEB Mobile Number Registration Online Here

Steps To Link EB With Aadhaar Online

• Visit TANGEDCO TNEB Aadhar Upload Portal
• Enter Service Connection Number & Submit Enter Button
• Upload your Aadhar Card in .jpg/.jpeg format of size 300KB
• Link EB With Aadhaar Online

Instructions On Linking EB With Aadhaar Online

• The aadhar linking with Service number is presently for Domestic,Powerloom,Agriculture and Hut services alone.
• The aadhar card shall be uploaded in .jpg/.jpeg format of size 300KB
• The service connection number shall be entered in the format as received by SMS or as printed in the receipt.

Tangedco officials said that the exercise is only to generate proper data on those availing the subsidy as per the guidelines from the Union government and added that subsidy would be cut for those who do not link Aadhaar. The state government subsidy to domestic connections make first 100 units free for all households while consumption charges for the second 100 units are slashed by 50% if the total consumption does not exceed 500 units.

Apart from domestic connections, hut dwellers (free supply), agri connections (free supply), handloom (first 200 units free) and powerloom connections (first 750 units free and charges as per domestic slab for subsequent consumption) and places of public worship also get subsidy.

The total number of consumers being served in the State as on 31.03.17 is 279.27 Lakhs. Rajiv Gandhi Grameen Vidyutikaran Yojana (RGGVY) with the goal of creating electricity infrastructure to all un-electrified villages / un-electrified hamlets provide access to electricity to all households. Implementation of RGGVY in 26 districts of Tamil Nadu had already been completed. Further, implementation of the RGGVY scheme in Nilgiris, Tirunelveli and Dharmapuri districts is under progress. RAPDRP schemes are also being implemented to provide quality and reliable power supply to the consumers and to bring down the aggregate Technical and Commercial Losses (AT&C) below 15%.

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9 thoughts on “TANGEDCO Link TNEB Connection With Aadhaar Online Tamil Nadu

  1. I have 4 houses in different locations and let out for residential purpose. Is it enough that the tenant gives his Aadhar number linked with service connection

  2. I am not able to link Aadhar number with consumer number Because as soon as entering my consumer number in the designated box prompt is flashed telling me Domestic consumers & dwellers are eligible for subsidy. My consumer number is 09238025187 tariff LAID Phase 3.

    1. Kindly check your service connection number.. The aadhar linking with Service number is presently for Domestic,Powerloom,Agriculture and Hut services alone

  3. I have a tenant in my house. While linking my tenants service number, I have wrongly linked my Aadhaar number and uploaded the Aadhaar card. Am I to link my tenants Aadhaar number and upload his Aadhaar card for the service which my tenant uses? How to delink my Aadhaar number wrongly linked to the service of my tenant. The service number in question is 06224008573 in Tirchy. If one tenant vacates and a new tenant comes, am I to change his Aadhaar number? Please let me know whether I have to upload only my Aadhaar number to my service as well as the service of my tenant who is in a portion of my house. I could not under this. Please clarify.

  4. If I have a tenant in a portion of my house with a separate EB connection whose Aadhaar card I have to give for that connection, Whether my Aadhaar number (or) tenants Aadhaar number? If I have wrongly given my Aadhaar number to my tenants connection, how to delink it and give correct Aadhaar number. If I have a separate connection and one connection for tenant in a portion of my house am I to give my Aadhaar number for both the connections? Please clarify theses doubts.

  5. If the Owner is expired, how shall we link the Aadhaar with EB connection. Kindly inform any alternate is available.

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