University | Karnataka Department of Pre University Education |
Course & Year | II PUC |
Subject | Home Science |
Download | Model Question Paper |
Syllabus | Reduced Syllabus 2020-21 |
Document Type | |
Official Website | https://pue.karnataka.gov.in/english |
PUE PUC II Home Science Model Question Paper
Karnataka Department of Pre University Education (PUE) Second Year PUC Home Science Model Question Paper 2020-21 for reduced syllabus.
Download PUE Karnataka II PUC Reduced Syllabus 2020-21 Model Question Papers
Download PUC II Home Science Model Question Paper
Course & Subject | Model Question Paper |
II PUC Home Science | Download |
PUC II Home Science Model Questions
Part – A:
I) Answer the following questions. 10×1=10
1) Define Savings.
2) Name the three objectives of interior decoration.
3) List the elements of Art.
4) Which products carry AGMARK.
5) Define Diet therapy.
6) Name the types of fluid diet.
7) Mention the period of early childhood.
8) Give the subdivision of adolescence.
9) Define wet processing.
10) Name the direct methods of printing.
Part – B:
II) Answer any FIVE of the following questions. 5×2=10
11) Define soft Diet.
12) List the different types of food losses.
13) Write a brief note on food storage in warehouses.
14) Mention the state level nutrition related programmes.
15) List the developmental tasks of late childhood.
16) Write a note on emotional development during early childhood.
17) Define sexuality education.
18) Enlist the objectives of finishes.
Part – C:
III) Answer any Five of the following questions. 5×3=15
19) Enlist the characteristics of colour.
20) Mention the rights and responsibilities of a consumer.
21) Discuss any two modification of normal diet for therapeutic purpose.
22) Explain briefly vicious cycle on malnutrition.
23) Describe the physical development during late childhood years.
24) List the methods of printing. Explain any two.
25) Discuss the methods of dyeing.
26) Mention the types of mechanical finishes. Explain any two.
Part – D:
IV) Answer any SEVEN of the following questions. 7×5=35
27) Briefly explain the reasons for savings.
28) Draw and explain prang colour wheel.
29) Mention the principles of design. Explain any two.
30) Explain any two colour harmonies with suitable illustrations.
31) List the problems of a consumer. Discuss any two.
32) Discuss the dietary guidelines for adolescents.
33) Explain the food pyramid with help of a neat diagram.
34) Mention the factors affecting meal planning. Explain any two.
35) Describe the physical development of adolescent.
36) Enlist the characteristics of young adult hood. Discuss any two.
37) Mention the types of chemical finishes. Explain any two.
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