University Karnataka Department of Pre University Education
Course & Year I PUC
Subject Home Science
Download Model Question Paper
Year 2022
Document Type PDF
Official Website https://pue.karnataka.gov.in/english

PUE PUC I Home Science Model Question Paper 2022

Download Karnataka Department of Pre University Education (PUE) First Year PUC Home Science  Model Question Paper 2022.

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Download PUC I Home Science Model Question Paper 2022

Course & Subject Model Question Paper
I PUC Home Science Download

PUE Karnataka PUC I Home Science Model Questions

Part – A:
I) Answer any TEN of the following questions. 1×10=10
1) List the disciplines of Home Science.
2) Define Resources.
3) What is a plan ?
4) Define Time plan.
5) What is peak load ?
6) Name the precursor of Vitamin – A.
7) Expand PEM.
8) List the preliminary preparation of food.
9) Mention any two methods of cooking.
10) Define Human Development.
11) What is lanugo ?
12) Define touch therapy ?
13) List the natural fibres.
14) What is Education ?
15) Mention the types of charts.

Part – B:
II) Answer any FIVE of the following questions. 2×5=10
16) Mention the characteristics of resources.
17) Define Decision making.
18) Mention the sources of Income.
19) List the factors which affect the food habits of an individual.
20) Classify vitamins.
21) Mention the methods of enhancing Nutritive value of food.
22) Give the stages of human lifespan.
23) Define Immunization.
24) Write the physical properties of cotton.
25) Mention the extension teaching methods.

Part – C:
III) Answer any FIVE of the following questions. 3×5=15
26) Explain the types of family budget.
27) Write the types of efforts required by a person to perform any task.
28) Explain the physiological functions of food.
29) List the functions of proteins.
30) Discuss the deficiency symptoms of vitamins D.
31) Write a note on sprouting.
32) Explain the discomforts during pregnancy.
33) Why is wollen dresses preferred in winter ?
34) Draw and explain Novelty yarns.
35) Explain the washing and finishing of silk fabrics.

Part – D:
IV) Answer any SEVEN of the following questions. 5×7=35
36) Discuss the steps in managerial process.
37) Enlist the steps in drawing a budget.
38) Write various ways of supplementing family income.
39) Describe the symptoms of Beri-Beri.
40) Write a note on Anemia.
41) Explain the principles of cooking.
42) Describe the signs and symptoms of pregnancy.
43) Explain the characteristics of a neonate.
44) Explain the physical and chemical properties of Nylon.
45) Discuss the chemical and biological properties of silk.
46) List the parts of a loom and explain its functioning.
47) Enlist the principles of extension education. Explain any two.
48) What is a poster ? List the advantages and limitations.
49) Explain the visual communication system.

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