University Karnataka Department of Pre University Education
Course & Year II PUC
Subject History
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Year 2022
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PUE PUC II History Model Question Paper 2022

Download Karnataka Department of Pre University Education (PUE) Second Year PUC History Model Question Paper 2022.

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Download PUC II History Model Question Paper 2022

Course & Subject Model Question Paper
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PUE PUC II History 2022 Model Questions

I. Answer any TEN of the following questions in one word or one sentence each: 10×1=10
1. What is Numismatics?
2. From which word is the term Veda derived?
3. Which Ashokan edict speaks about Kalinga war?
4. Who was the founder of Kadamba dynasty?
5. Which was the first literary work in Kannada?
6. Which was the Royal Emblem of Hoysalas?
7. Who was the founder of the Khilji dynasty?
8. When did the battle of Haldi Ghat take place?
9. Name the philosophy of Shankaracharya.
10. Which is the Holly Book of Sikhs?
11. Name the treaty which ended the first Anglo Mysore war.
12. Who was the Indian soldier who killed the British Sergeant in 1857?
13. Who started the Aligarh Movement?
14. Expand INA.
15. What was the popular slogan of Isur?

II. Answer any TEN of the following questions in 2 words or 2 sentences each: 10×2=20
16. Mention any two sites of the Paleolithic age.
17. Name any two Varnas of Aryans.
18. Mention any two among the Trirathnas of Vardhamana.
19. Name any two famous works of the ‘Sangam’ age.
20. Name any two important architectural centres of Pallavas.
21. Name any two temples of Pattadakallu.
22. Write any two titles of Amoghavarsha.
23. Name two books of Amir Khusrau.
24. Which is the first Kannada Drama and who is its author?
25. Name any Two maths established by Madhwacharya.
26. Name any two important orders among the Sufis.
27. Name any two trading centers of Portuguese in India.
28. What was the immediate cause for the first war of Indian Independence?
29. Who were the parents of the Dayananda saraswathi?
30. Mention any two members of the JVP committee.

III. Answer any SIX of the following questions in 15 to 20 sentences each: 6×5=30
31. Explain briefly the impact of Geography on Indian history.
32. Explain the town planning of Indus Civilization.
33. What were the factors responsible for the rise of new religions?
34. Describe the chief characteristics of Gandhara School of Art.
35. Illustrate the Hoysala contributions to Religion and Literature.
36. Give an account of the administrative system of Shivaji.
37. Discuss the socio-religious reforms of Basaveshwara.
38. What were the causes and results of the battle of Plassey?
39. Discuss the personality of Swami Vivekananda.
40. Which were the factors responsible for the Unification of Karnataka?

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