University Karnataka Department of Pre University Education
Course & Year II PUC
Subject History
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Year 2023
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PUE PUC II History Model Question Paper 2023

Download Karnataka Department of Pre University Education (PUE) March 2023 Second Year PUC History Annual Examination Model Question Paper.

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Download PUC II History Model Question Paper 2023

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PUE Karnataka PUC II History Model Questions

I. Choose and write the Correct Answer from the given: 10×1=10
1. Excavation means
a) Scientific Digging of Earth for unearthing sources.
b) Scientific Filling of Earth
c) Measuring of Earth
d) Protection of Earth

2. Meaning of the term ‘Arya’
a) Black
b) God
c) Noble
d) All of the above

3. Birth place of Vardhamana Mahaveera
a) Kushinagar
b) Lumbini
c) Kundagrama d
) Pavapuri

4. The First kannada inscription
a) Beluru Inscription
b) Halebeedu Inscription
c) Beguru Inscription
d) Halmidi Inscription

5. Founder of the Mughal dynasty
a) Babur
b) Akbar
c) Jahangir
d) Aurangzeb

6. Chauth Tax was
a) 1/2 of the Produce
b) 1/3 of the Produce
c) 1/4 of the Produce
d) 1/5 of the Produce

7. The Philosophy of Madhwacharya
a) Vishistadvaita
b) Advaita
c) Dwaita
d) Shaktivishistadwaitha

8. The Treaty which ended the First Carnatic war
a) Treaty of Surt
b) Treaty of Paris
c) Treaty of Aix-la-chapel
d) Treaty of Madras

9. The Father of Indian Renaissance
a) Dayananda Saraswati
b) Swami Vivekananda
c) Sir Sayyid Ahmed Khan
d) Raja Ram Mohan Roy

10. The Famous work of Alur Venkata Rao
a) Ramayana Dharshanam
b) Nakutanti
c) Parva
d) Karnataka Gatha Vaibhava

II. Fill in the blanks with appropriate answers given 5×1=5
(Gurugranth sahib, Bombay, Kulapati, Ibrahim Adil shah II, Swami Vivekananda)
11. The Head of the family during Vedic period called………..
12. ……………..was called Jagadguru Badshah.
13. The Holy Book of Sikhs is……………
14. ……………….established Ramakrishna Mission
15. The first Session of the Indian National Congress was held at………….

III. 16. Match the following: 5×1=5
a) Gautami Balashri – i) Srinagara
b) Kanishka – ii) Magnacarta of English education in India
c) Kumaravyasa – iii) Nasik Cave Inscription
d) Kabir – iv) Gadugina Bharatha
e) Charles Wood – v) Doha

IV. Answer the following questions in one word or one sentence each: 5×1=5
17. Which was the Original home of the Kushanas?
18. What was the Royal emblem of the Rashtrakutas?
19. Who was the founder of Bahamani dynasty?
20. Which was the book written by Dadabhai Naoroji?
21. Expand KPCC.

V. Answer any TEN of the following questions in 2 words or 2 sentences each: 10×2=20
22. Mention the methods of disposal of the dead followed by Indus people.
23. Name any two women scholars of Vedic period.
24. Who erected the Gommateshwara statue and Where?
25. Name any two literary works of Ponna.
26. In which year did the second battle of Tarain take place? Between whom was it fought?
27. Name any two types of land classified by Todarmal.
28. Name two persons who influenced Shivaji.
29. Mention any two titles of Chikkadevaraja Wodeyar.
30. Name any two trading centres of Dutch in India.
31. Between whom was the battle of Plassey fought?
32. What was the opinion of Macaulay regarding the Eastern literature?
33. Name any two Extremist leaders.

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