University Karnataka Department of Pre University Education
Course & Year II PUC
Subject History
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PUE PUC II History Model Question Paper

Karnataka Department of Pre University Education (PUE) Second Year PUC History First Test Model Question Paper 2021.

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Download PUC II History Model Question Paper

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PUE PUC II History First Test Model Questions

I. Answer the following questions in one word or one sentence each: 5×1=5
1. Name the work that mentions the extent of ancient Karnataka.
2. Which was the first metal used by man in South India?
3. What does the word Mohenjodaro mean?
4. What is meant by Veda?
5. Who was the 23rd Thirthankara ?

II. Answer any Five of the following questions in 2 words or 2 sentences each: 5×2=10
6. Mention any two physical features of India.
7. What is the meaning of the word ‘Neolithic’ ?
8. Mention any two causes which brought an end to Indus Civilization.
9. Which two political institutions assisted the king in the administration during the Vedic period?
10. Which are the sects of Jainism?
11. Name any two places where Ashokan inscriptions have been found in Karnataka.

III Answer any Three of the following questions in 15 to 20 sentences each: 3×5=15
12. Write a note on the importance of Archaelogical sources in reconstructing the History of India.
13. Explain the social condition of Aryans during the Vedic period.
14. Write about the achievements of Chandragupta Maurya.
15. Describe chief characteristics of the Gandhara School of art.

IV. Answer any One of the following questions in 30 to 40 sentences: 1×10=10
16. Enumerate briefly the salient features of Indus Civilization.
17. Explain the life and teachings of Buddha.

V. 18. Match the following: 5×1=5
1. Ashwagosha – An Ascetic
2. Gargi – Srinagar
3. Mahaveera – Buddhacharita
4. Hala – Women scholar
5. Kanishka – Gatha Sapthasati

19.Arrange the following Events in Chronological order: 5×1=5
1. Fourth Buddhist Council.
2. Establishment of Archaeological Department of India.
3. Advent of Aryans to India.
4. Coronation of Ashoka.
5. Second Jain Council

Download PUE Karnataka II PUC Reduced Syllabus 2020-21 Model Question Papers

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