University | Karnataka Department of Pre University Education |
Course & Year | I PUC |
Subject | History |
Download | Model Question Paper |
Year | 2022 |
Document Type | |
Official Website | https://pue.karnataka.gov.in/english |
PUE PUC I History Model Question Paper 2022
Download Karnataka Department of Pre University Education (PUE) First Year PUC History Model Question Paper 2022.
Download PUE Karnataka I PUC 2022 Model Question Papers Here [All Subjects]
Download PUC I History Model Question Paper 2022
Course & Subject | Model Question Paper |
I PUC History | Download |
PUE PUC I History 2022 Model Questions
I. Answer any Ten the following questions in one word or one sentence each: 10×1=10
1) What is the meaning of the term ‘homo’?
2) Which is the biggest Pyramid in the world?
3) Who was the greatest ruler of China?
4) When was Roman Republic established?
5) Which is the holy place of Muslims?
6) What is the meaning of the word ‘Renaissance’?
7) What were ‘Indulgences’?
8) Which city is called the ‘Power house of the North’?
9) Who introduced the principle of Russification?
10) Who imposed the continental system?
11) What is Carbonari?
12) Who was the founder of Fascism?
13) Why did America join the Second World War?
14) Expand NATO.
15) Where is the head quarters of C.I.S?
II. Answer any TEN of the following questions in 2 words or 2 sentences each: 10×2=20
16) Which are the two important works of Jawaharlal Nehru?
17)Which two animals are considered as the nearest relatives of man?
18)Why are river vallies called the cradles of civilization?
19)Write any two causes responsible for the decline of Mesopotamian civilization.
20)Mention any two styles of ancient Greek architecture.
21)Which are the two parts of Bible?
22)Name any two universities that came into existence in Medieval Europe?
23)Name any two paintings of Leonardo Vinci.
24)Name any two taxes imposed by England on the Colonies of America.
25)Name the two parties during the Russian revolution.
26)Name the architects of Italian Unification.
27)Write any two Principles of Nazism.
28)Name any two official languages of the U.N.O.
29)Name the Presidents of America and Russia who ended the Cold War.
30)Who used the word ‘Non-Aligned’ for the first time? When?
III. Answer any Six of the following questions in 15 to 20 sentences each: 6×5=30
31) Explain the importance of study of history.
32) Why is the Periclean age called as the ‘Golden age’?
33)What is Pax Romana? Explain.
34)Write about the life history of Mohammad.
35)What were the causes for the decline of feudalism?
36)Write about Counter Reformation.
37)Describe the results of the American war of Independence.
38)Discuss the role of Bismarck in the Unification of Germany.
39)Explain the causes for Cold War.
40)Describe the features of Non-Aligned Movement.
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