University Karnataka Department of Pre University Education
Course & Year I PUC
Subject History
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Syllabus Reduced  Syllabus 2020-21
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Official Website https://pue.karnataka.gov.in/english

PUE PUC I History Model Question Paper

Karnataka Department of Pre University Education (PUE) First Year PUC History Model Question Paper 2020-21 for reduced syllabus.

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Download PUE PUC I History Model Question Paper

Course & Subject Model Question Paper
I PUC History Download

PUE PUC I History Model Questions

Part – A:
I. Answer the following questions in one word or one sentence each: 10×1=10
1) Mention the work of Herodotus.
2) Who built the Hanging Garden?
3) Who was the greatest ruler of China?
4) In which civilization do we find City-States?
5) Which is the biggest Religion in the World?
6) Who was called as the ‘Navigator’?
7) What is the meaning of the word ‘Renaissance’?
8) Where did the Industrial Revolution begin at first?
9) Expand – N.E.P
10) Where is the International Court of Justice?

Part – B:
II. Answer any TEN of the following questions in 2 words or 2 sentences each: 10×2=20
11) What are the two important works of Jawaharalal Nehru?
12) Which were the two theories proposed by Charles Darwin?
13) Name any two ancient civilizations.
14) What is coliseum?
15) What is the meaning of Islam?
16) Who occupied the city of Constantinople and in which year?
17) Name the two sects of Christianity?
18) What is the ‘Boston Tea Party’?
19) Name the two parties during the Russian revolution.
20) Mention any Two empires which were overthrown after the First World War.
21) Name the Two Powers Blocks of the Second World War.
22) Write any two aims of the U.N.O.?

Part – C:
III Answer any Six of the following questions in 15 to 20 sentences each: 6×5=30
23)Write the definitions of history.
24)Write a note on Art and Architecture of Egyptians.
25) Write a note on writing and literature of China.
26) What is Pax Romana? Explain.
27) Write about the life history of Jesus.
28) What were the causes for Renaissance?
29) Explain the causes for the Reformation.
30) Mention the results of French Revolution.

Download PUE Karnataka PUC I History Model Question Paper 2022 Here

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