University Karnataka Department of Pre University Education
Course & Year I PUC
Subject Biology
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Year 2023-24
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PUE PUC I Biology Model Question Paper 2024

Download Karnataka Department of Pre University Education (PUE) 2024 First Year PUC Biology Examination Model Question Paper.

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Download PUE PUC I Biology Model Question Paper 2024

Course & Subject Model Question Paper
I PUC Biology  Download Here

PUE Karnataka PUC I Biology Model Questions

I. Select the correct alternative from the choices given below:
1. The correct sequence in fungal sexual cycle is
a) Karyogamy——-Plasmogamy——-Meiosis
b) Meiosis ——– Plasmogamy ——- Karyogamy
c) Plasmogamy ——— Karyogamy ——- Meiosis
d) Meiosis ——– Karyogamy ——– Plasmogamy

2. Statement I: Life cycle of Fucus is haplontic
Statement II: In Funaria, there is alternation of haploid gametophytic generation with diploid sporophytic generation
a) Both Statement I and Statement II are correct
b) Both Statement I and Statement II are incorrect
c) Statement I is correct and Statement II is incorrect
d) Statement I is incorrect and Statement II is correct

3. One of the following is a mismatch
a) Pinctada – Cuttle fish
b) Aplysia – Sea hare
c) Pila – Apple snail
d) Loligo – Squid

4. The ovary is said to inferior in
a) Guava and Coconut
b) Cucumber and Coconut
c) Cucumber and Ray florets of sunflower
d) Ray florets of sunflower and Coconut

5. Endodermis, pericycle and pith are absent
a) Stem of dicots
b) Roots of dicots
c) Stem of monocots
d) Root of Monocots

6. How many of the following properties are related to lysosomes?
Membrane bound vesicles, formed in the RER, contain hydrolytic enzymes, acts at alkaline pH, capable of digesting proteins
a) Five
b) Four
c) Three
d) Two

7. Which of the following is a heteropolymer?
a) Polysaccharide
b) Polypeptide
c) Nucleotide
d) Lipids

8. The centriole duplicates during the cell cycle
a) G1 phase
b) S – phase
c) G2 phase

d) M phase

9. Tetrad is made up of
a) Two homologous chromosomes, each with two chromatids
b) Four non-homologous chromatids
c) Four non-homologous chromosomes
d) Four homologous chromosomes with four chromatids

10. Select the incorrect statement/s
A. Plant pigments can be separated through Paper Chromatography
B. Pigment have an ability only to absorb light
C. Color of leaves that we see is due to a single pigment
D. Chromatogram is the graphical representation of pigment separated in a Chromatography

a) A and D
b) C and D
c) B and D
d)B and C

11. Each steps of TCA cycle is labeled from A – F, which among these is the substrate level phosphorylation?
a) A
b) C
c) D
d) E

12. With respect to pulmonary capacities IC is equal to
a) TV + ERV
b) TV + IRV
c) RV + ERV
d) IRV + ERV

13. Choose the incorrect statement from the following:
a) A thin, muscular wall called the interatrial septum separates right and left atria
b) A thick, muscular wall called the interventricular septum separates right and left ventricles
c) The atrium and ventricles of the same side are also separated by a thick fibrous tissue called atrioventricular valve
d) Each of the atrioventricular septa are provided with an opening through which the two chambers of the same side are connected

14. The peptide hormone produced from the Juxtaglomerular cells is
a) Renin
b) Erythropoetin
c) Renin and Erythropoetin
d) Renin and Angiotensin

15. The Neurosecretory cells of the hypothalamus that secrete hormones are called
a) Tract
b) Nuclei
c) Acini
d) Follicles

II. Fill in the blanks by choosing the appropriate word/Words from those given below: 1 x 5 = 5
(Hibernation, Aestivation, Plasticity Diplotene, Melatonin, Aestivation)
16. The mode of arrangement of sepals or petals in floral bud with respect to other members of the same whorl is known as ——-
17. Frogs have the ability to adopt extreme heat by taking shelter in deep burrows and is referred to as —-.
18. In oocytes of some vertebrates ————- stage can last for months or years
19. The ability of the plants to show different pathways in response to environment and phases of life to form different kinds of structures is termed as ————
20. Pineal gland secretes ———- hormone has also defense capability

Answer any FIVE of the following questions in 3 – 5 sentences wherever applicable: 2 x 5 = 10
21. Brinjal and Potato belong to the same genus Solanum, but to two different species. What defines them as separate species?
22. Explain the sexual dimorphism exhibited in frog
23. Name the types of ribosomes found in prokaryotic and eukaryotic cell with their sub-units
24. Differentiate a primary metabolite from a secondary metabolite giving an example each
25. Both growth and differentiation in higher plants are open. Comment
26. The lungs are situated in the thoracic chamber which is anatomically an air tight chamber. List the structure involved in the formation of thoracic chamber.
27. Describe the disorders Tetany and Muscular dystrophy
28. Represent schematically the division of Peripheral neural system of Humans

Answer any FIVE of the following questions in 40 – 80 words each wherever applicable: 3 x 5 = 15
29. How Ascomycetes are different from basidiomycetes?
30. Coelenterates show two basic body forms. Explain with an example each.
31. Classify the flowers based on the position of ovary with respect to other floral whorls mentioning one example each.
32. Write a note on the vascular bundles of root and stem.
33. Name the enzyme involved;
a) Breaking of C – C or P – N bonds
b) Hydrolysis of substrates by leaving double and triple bonds
c) Catalyse the joining of C – O, C – S bonds
34. Meiosis involves two sequential cycles of nuclear and cell division called meiosis I and meiosis II but only a single cycle of DNA replication. With reference to this in which sequential cycle of meiosis
a) Synopsis and recombination occur
b) 2n number of chromosomes becomes „n‟ number
c) 4C DNA becomes 1C
35. What is oxygen dissociation curve? Which factors result in the dissociation of oxyhaemoglobin?
36. Draw a labeled diagram of axon terminal and synapse and label the following; Presynaptic membrane, synaptic cleft, post synaptic membrane, receptors , neurotransmitters, axon terminal

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