Board Karnataka Secondary Education Examination Board [KSEEB]
Exam SSLC Exam [Class 10th]
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Year April 2017
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Official Website https://sslc.karnataka.gov.in/english

KSEEB SSLC Exam Question Papers

Download  Karnataka Secondary Education Examination Board [KSEEB] April 2017 SSLC Examination Question Papers

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KSEEB SSLC April 2017 Question Papers Download

SSLC English Question Paper

Part – A ( Prose, Poetry and Supplementary Reading )
I. Answer the following questions in a sentence each : 4 × 1 = 4
1. How did the man waste his time on the earth ?
2. What thrills the present day Indian shoppers ?
3. Why had Buttoo gone to Dronacharya ?
4. What did Drona seek from Buttoo as recompense ?

II. Answer the following questions in two sentences each : 8 × 2 = 16
5. What did Mahatma Gandhi say about man’s greed ?
6. Why did the elders of the worker’s paradise become anxious ?
7. Why does the writer call Anne a courageous leader ?
8. Why did Jean ask Pierre to get the pie instead of taking it himself ?
9. What did the hunters do with the male bird after killing it ?
10. What did the bride’s father ask Lochinvar ?
11. Why did Ulysses and his men enter the habitation of the Cyclop ?
12. Why was Arjuna’s mind wavering when Lord Krishna asked him to slay Karna ?

III. Answer the following questions in four to five sentences each : 5 × 3 = 15
13. How does Sir C. V. Raman show that water is the real elixir of life ?
14. The narrator tried his best to impress that he was normal sighted during his encounter with the girl. Illustrate.
15. What arrangement did Squire Trelawney and Dr. Livesey make for a voyage for treasure hunt ?
16. How does the poet express his spirituality being a poor man ?
17. What argument does the speaker give to convince his neighbour that they do not need the wall ?

IV. Explain with reference to the context : 4 × 3 = 12
18. “Will you buy my hair ?”
19. “The future,” he said, “will belong to those who shall have done the most for suffering humanity.”
20. “Death’s second self, that seals up all in rest.”
21. “O grave, keep shut lest I be shamed !”

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