Service Download WBIFMS Payslip Online
Department West Bengal Department of Finance
Service Mode Online
State West Bengal
Official Website

How To Download WBIFMS Payslip Online?

Just follow the below steps mentioned below to download (or) view the West Bengal IFMS HRMS Payslip.

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Steps To Download WBIFMS Payslip Online
• Visit WBIFMS Website 
• Register/Login
• Download Payslip

Use this login for individual /personal matters like:
1. Viewing Pay slip/IT statement/Loan /Leave/TA/DA/LTC sanction orders
2. Applying for Loan/Leave/TA/DA/LTC
3. Writing SAR as ‘Officer Reported upon’ (self)
4. Writing comments as Reporting/Reviewing/Accepting Authorities in SAR

However for performing official works as HOO/AA/DAA go to ‘HRMS’ icon in the homepage of IFMS and use your role based ‘HRMS’ login.

WBIFMS HRMS Employee Master Related Queries

1. I cannot find the names of the employees uploaded from the COSA file under “COSA own employee list” after I have accepted them as my employee.
Ans. Once a name is accepted as the employee of the office, the name can no longer be found under “COSA own employee list”, it can be found under “Employee list Pending for approval” for approver and “Unapproved list” for operator.

2. Do I need to upload the COSA files every month?
Ans. No. COSA files needs to be uploaded only once when the HRMS starts at your office.

3. There is no specific cadre exists to which employee belongs to. What should be the next course of action?
Ans. For this case you may specify “Others” as cadre. But if you feel that employee belongs to a particular cadre which does not exists in the Cadre LOV, then please contact HRMS Cell at

4. While selecting Cadre/ Designation/ Post/ Department etc, I cannot find my Designation/ Post/ Department.
Ans. Please contact iFMS-HRMS for inclusion in the masters by sending a mail to It will be included without any delay.

5. What is the Procedure for entering GPF No. of a Group D employee?
Ans. In case of Gr- D employee put the GPF No. in the first field of the three fields which you see for GPF No. entry.

6. What will happen if the employee has not been allotted GPF No. till now?
Ans. Do not select anything from the Drop Down of GPF in general information page of the employee.

7. The operator cannot make any modifications in the employee master data since my employee is not coming in operator log in.
Ans. The operator must click on masters , then my employee , then put the employee no. in the employee no. field and then press the tab key on key board. Then Click on search.. Now click on the respective section to be updated and save and forward to approver.

8. What shall I enter in previous employee no?
Ans. You will be required to enter this option only After your Employee no. is generated in HRMS and after that your leave this service to join a new service under this Govt.

9. When will my employee no be generated?
Ans. An employee no is generated after all the details of an employee are entered in the system and the “Approver” of the office approves the details.

10. I have mistakenly entered some employee data. How can I rectify it?
Ans. Navigate to the details page by clicking the “Update” button and modify and correct it.

11. At the time of filling up the “Pay Information”, I cannot find my Grade Pay.
Ans. Please check whether you have selected the correct Service type, Cadre, Employee Group . After that select the correct pay band as grade pay is validated with pay band in the system as per Govt. Orders.

12. I am staying in my spouse Govt. accommodation. What shall I enter?
Ans. Select “Govt. accommodation allotted to spouse” from drop down menu.

13. My spouse is employed in Govt service, do I need to provide the details?
Ans. Yes to get the benefits you have to fill up the details.

14. During giving approval of Employee Detail data some error message appear which shows “Some Error Occur. Please Select Proper Grade Pay Amount.” for the employee and data can’t save. When the LOV of Grade Pay portion under the page Employee Pay Information checked no amount of Rs.5400 is found (in fact which is the Grade Pay of the beneficiary concerned).
Ans. Please note that the pay band for grade pay is Rs. 15600-42000 with pay band no. 4A in terms of G.O. No. 961-F(P) dated 7.2.2011. Please select the correct pay band.

15. While entering the value of Grade Pay/ Dearness Allowance/ House Rent Allowance, what shall I enter in the “To Date”?
Ans. Please keep it blank, if the employee is entitled to get the same allowance in the coming months. If you enter the “To Date”, then the employee wont get the allowance after the to date.

16. When is an Employee No. generated?
Ans. An Employee No. is generated after an employee is approved using DSC.

17. While filling up the Pay Information details, the bank details is not getting populated.
Ans. Please check whether the employee is approved in Beneficiary Master of e-Pradan. If approved beneficiary please check whether the account type is “employee” or not in e-pradan. Please note that no other type of beneficiary except Employee will be taken.

18. My operator has changed the details of an employee, how can I approve it?
Ans. You will receive a message in your inbox, open the message and approve the changes.

19. One of my employee has retired, what changes do I need to make?
Ans. You don’t have make any changes, system will carry out the changes itself.

20. What should I enter as PTAX and NPS in salary element component?
Ans. PTAX and NPS component should be entered in salary element form for each respective employee, to whom it is applicable. The final amount will be calculated based on the Salary components at the time of bill generation.

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