Board Andhra Pradesh Directorate of Government Examinations
Class SSC [Class 10th/X] Public Examinations
Subject Social Paper – I & II (English & Telugu Medium)
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Year 2023
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BSE Andhra Pradesh SSC Social Model Question Paper 2023

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Download BSE AP SSC Social Model Question Paper 2023 

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BSE Andhra Pradesh SSC Social Model Questions 2023

Section I:
1. What are called ‘Duns’?
2. Call Center Employee : Service Sector : : Fisherman : ………..?………….
3. Expand A.G.W.
4. What is meant by Sex Ratio?
5. Mention the most common reasons for males and females to migrate.
6. “We will drown, but we will not move!” Who wrote these words and to whom?

8. Match the ‘Agent Orange’ with one of the following :
a) Plant Killer
b) Silent Spring
c) Chipko Movement

9. Who succeeded Jawaharlal Nehru as Prime Minister?

Section II:
1. What is ‘Site’ in view of Settlements?
2. Comment on the conditions of small farmers in India.
3. Write any two benefits of Lok Adalat.
4. What is meant by Coalition Government?
5. How many States and Union Territories are there in India today?
6. Appreciate the ‘Meira Paibi Movement’

Section III:
1. Explain Environment’s Source Function and Sink Function
2. Why are the people migrating from rural areas to urban areas?
3. Explain the uses of Public Distribution System.
4. What are the immediate causes of the First and Second World Wars?
5. What were the difficulties faced in the conduct of First General Elections in India?

Section IV:
1. a) What are the differences between Eastern Coastal Plain and Western Coastal Plain?
b) In What ways was the emergency period a set back to Indian democracy

2. a) Explain about the impact of Globalization on India.
b) Explain about the relations between India and China.

3. a) Increasing urbanization is not just about greater opportunities for people and economy. It aslo results in many problems – Comment.
b) “War is always destructive”. Comment

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