Board Andhra Pradesh Directorate of Government Examinations
Class SSC [Class 10th/X] Public Examinations
Subject English
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BSE Andhra Pradesh SSC English Model Question Paper 2023

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Download BSE AP SSC English Model Question Paper 2023

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BSE Andhra Pradesh SSC English Model Questions 2023

Section – A: (Reading Comprehension)
(1-5) Read the following passage carefully :

One important fallout of this friendship was the establishment of Chitrabani, a communication and film institute, the first of its kind in West Bengal, which Roberge founded in 1970 and to which Ray, as a token of friendship, lent his name as co-founder.

Ray was in the first governing body and after a few terms readily agreed to be the institute’s adviser. Roberge arranged most of the initial funding from Canadian agencies. “I had no reservations applying for them, for I feel richer countries in the West are indebted to countries like India,” he said.

For 26 years Roberge was the director of Chitrabani and under him the institute not only produced important documentary features, but also became breeding ground for local talent for film-making ……. (Rendezvous with Ray)

Now, answer the following questions :
1. Whose friendship was referred in the passage?
2. What was Chitrabani?

3. How was Ray connected to Chitrabani?
(A) Ray was the founder.
(B) Ray was the co-founder and adviser.
(C) Ray was the director.

4. Who made the initial funding for Chitrabani?
(A) Canadian agencies
(B) India
(C) West-Bengal

5. How did Roberge use Chitrabani?
(A) Roberge made massive films.
(B) Roberge directed Ray’s films in Chitrabani.
(C) Roberge produced documentary films.

(6-8) Read the following stanza carefully.
There in the West the song thrush warbles
She weaves her nest to hold her clutch
A long wait now to find a partner
The eggs are laid, there are not much.
These chicks could be the last ones ever
The last to fly and sing and mate.
Our grandchild knows the song thrush never
Or will the dreamer wake?
(Or will the Dreamer Wake?) .

Choose the correct answers to the following questions.
6. Why did the song thrush weave a nest?
(A) to hold her eggs
(B) to live with her partner
(C) to sing and play with her chicks

7. Why could the chicks be last ones ever?
(A) Because they fly, sing and mate
(B) Because the eggs are many.
(C) Because their number is decreasing.

8. Who may not know of song thrush forever?
(A) Grand child
(B) Dreamer
(C) Chicks

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