Tamil Nadu Logo
Service Apply For Patta Transfer
Department Tamil Nadu Department of Survey and Settlement
Portal Tamil Nilam Citizen Portal
Who Can Apply Any citizen, who requires transfer of registry (Patta)
Service Mode Online
Official Website https://tamilnilam.tn.gov.in/citizen/login.html

Tamil Nadu Patta Transfer

Citizens who need to transfer their pattas need not visit the common service centres anymore. They can now log on to a portal designed exclusively for applying for patta transfers. Once citizens log on to the portal www.tamilnilam.tn.gov.in, they need to register as a user through the One Time Password (OTP) sent to their mobile numbers. The users can also update their basic details. Once the procedure is completed, the user is asked whether the request for patta transfer involves sub division. Accordingly, the applications are accepted.

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Who Can Apply For Patta Transfer?

Any citizen, who requires transfer of registry (Patta), can apply.

Types of Patta Transfer

1. Involving sub-transfer (ISD)
2.Not-involving subdivision (NISD)
(a) as full number (name transfer)
(b) as Joint patta (in an existing patta)

How To Apply For Patta Transfer Online In Tamil Nadu?

• Visit Tamil Nilam Citizen Portal
• Register/Login
• Fill Online Application Form
• Submit Form

Details Required For Registration:
1. Name
2. Mobile number
3. Address

Documents Required For Patta Transfer

Types of documents required:
(File size not exceeding 3MB)
1. Sale deed
2. Settlement deed
3. Partition deed
4. Gift deed
5. Exchange deed
6. Release deed

Other documents required:
1. Identity proof:
(i) Aadhaar card
(ii) PAN Card
(iii) Driving License
(iv) Smart card
(v) Passport
(vi) Voter’s ID card

2. Address proof:
(i) Aadhaar card
(ii) Telephone bill
(iii) EB bill
(iv) LPG card
(v) Passport
(vi) Voter’s ID card


Land Line Number : 044- 29862072, Extension No: 313.

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