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 Service Apply For Legal Heir Certificate Online 
Eligibility Blood Relation of deceased can apply
Official Website https://www.tnesevai.tn.gov.in/

Tamil Nadu e-Sevai Legal Heir Certificate

Legal heir certificate is an important legal document which determines the appropriate successor for the ownership of an asset or a property on the sudden demise of the registered owner.

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Legal heir certificate is also called as successor certificate and brings to light the eligible owners to whom the property has to be handed over. The Tahsildar issues the legal heir certificate after conducting a proper investigation with the appropriate heirs

Who Can Apply For Legal Heir Certificate?

1. Wife of the deceased can apply
2. Son or daughter of the deceased can apply
3. Father or Mother of the deceased can apply
4. Sibling of the deceased can apply

How To Apply For Legal Heir Certificate Online?

Following steps describe how to apply for the Legal Heir Certificate through the e-District Portal:

Step-1: Go to the e-Sevai (Government of Tamil Nadu) Web Portal.
Step-2: Enter the login credentials. Make sure ‘Operator’ is selected in the Operator Typefield.
Step-3: Enter Captcha code.
Step-4: Click on Login. e-Sevai Dashboard will appear.
Step-5: Click on Serviceson the left panel. Department Wise service listing will appear.
Step-6: Click on Revenue Department. You can also switch to the Service Wise listing, or switch to Search and search a particular service using keywords.
Step-7: Click on REV-114 Legal Heir Certificate. You will be redirected to the service page on the Tamil Nadu e-District Web Portal.
Step-8: Click on Proceed to continue.

Applicant Search form will appear. Search can be performed using the following options:
a. Applicants CAN Number
b. Applicant Name
c. Applicant Father Name
d. Applicant Mobile Number
e. Applicant Email Id
f. Applicant Date Of Birth

The green asterisksignifies that the available search options are optional mandatory. An applicant can apply for the Legal HeirCertificate provided he/she is having a unique CAN number. If the applicant doesn’t have a unique CAN Number, he must register for CAN to access the application form forLegal HeirCertificate.

Registering For CAN (Citizen Access Number)

Step-1: Click on the ‘Register CAN’ button to apply for CAN Registration.
Step-2: Fill up all mandatory details in the form prescribed format.
Step-3: Click on Register to submit form. You would be required to generate and verify OTP before submitting the form.
Step-4 : On successful CAN Registration, the CAN Number will be shown. The applicant may now proceed with applying for the Legal Heir Certificate by clicking on the Proceed button.

Applying For Legal Heir Certificate

Step-1:Select the record by clicking on the option button against the desired record.
Step-2:Click on Proceed. CAN details of the applicant may be modified by clicking on the Edit CAN Detail button. The Save as New option allows you to save the same CAN Number with different applicant details

Section-1: Applicant Details
Select Category of Applicant. Based on the selected category, you would be required to provide required details within the application. Applicant details will appear pre-filled in the form. These details are non-editable. You may enter/edit Aadhar Card details.

Section-2: Current Address
Applicant’s current address details will appear pre-filled in the form. These details are non-editable.

Section-3: Permanent Address
Applicant’s permanent address details will appear pre-filled in the form. These details are non-editable.

Section-4: Contact Details
Applicant’s contact details will appear pre-filled in the form. These details are non-editable.

Section-5: Deceased Details
Enter details of the deceased (dead person).

Section-6: Address 
Address of the deceased where ordinarily resided at the time of death
Enter address details of the deceased (dead person).

Section-7: Legal Heirs of the Deceased
Specify details of the nominees/ legal heirs (e.g. Mother, Father, Son, Wife, and Husband) of the deceased. Enter details using the available fields. Click on the ‘Add’ button to add a record. Added records will be show on the top.

Section-8: Other Details
Specify other required details. Click on Submit. The ‘Cancel’ button closes the application form.

Next screen will show a list of required documents. Attach the documents in prescribed file size and file type. Uploaded documents will be shown at the bottom.You may remove any uploaded document using the cross sign. Please note that the ‘Upload’ button will appear once you browse and add a document


After uploading the documents, click on ‘Make Payment’. Payments page will appear. Amount payable (Total Fees) will be shown on screen. Click on Confirm Payment.

Acknowledgement Receipt

Acknowledgement receipt will be shown. Click on Print Receipt to download/print the receipt.

After submission (clicking on the Submit button), the application will be saved as draft. You can find draft applications under the Saved Application section and upload documents or make payment as required. Submitted applications can be viewed under the Submitted Application section.

Check Status

The current status of an application can be checked from the Check Status section.

Reprint Receipt

Acknowledgement receipts can be re-printed from the Reprint Receipt section.

How To Download Legal Heir Certificate Online?

Once the application is approved and digitally signed, the legal heir certificate can be downloaded from the Operator’s desk and handed over to the applicant.

Step-1: Click on Check Status.
Step-2: Enter Application Number.
Step-3: Click on Search. The application will show up.
Step-4:Click on Download certificate link.

TNeGA Helpdesk

Email: tnesevaihelpdesk@tn.gov.in
Toll Free Number :18004251333

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