University Karnataka Department of Pre University Education
Course & Year II PUC
Subject Maths
Download Model Question Paper
Syllabus Reduced  Syllabus 2020-21
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Official Website https://pue.karnataka.gov.in/english

PUE PUC II Maths Model Question Paper

Karnataka Department of Pre University Education (PUE) Second Year PUC Maths Model Question Paper 2020-21 for reduced syllabus.

Download PUE Karnataka II PUC Reduced Syllabus 2020-21 Model Question Papers

Download PUC II Maths Model Question Paper

Course & Subject Model Question Paper
II PUC Maths  Download

PUC II Maths Model Questions

Part-A : Answer All The Questions
1. Define an empty relation.
2. If a matrix has 5 elements, what are the possible orders it can have?
3. Define a negative vector.
4. Define Optimal solution in a linear programming problem.
5. Find the vector components of the vector with initial point (2,1) and terminal point (-5,7).
6. Define the objective function in a linear programming problem.

Part-B : Answer any TEN questions:
1. Find the equation of the plane with intercepts 2, 3 and 4 on X, Y and Z axes respectively.
2. Assume that each child born in a family is equally likely to be a boy or girl. If a family has two children, what is the conditional probability that both are girls, given that the youngest is a girl.
3. Find the equation of the line passing through (1, 2) and (3, 6) using determinants.
4. Two cards drawn at random and without replacement from a pack of 52 playing cards. Find the probability that both the cards are black

Part-C : Answer Any Ten Questions
1. A man is known to speak truth 3 out of 4 times. He throws a die and reports that it is a six. Find the probability that it is actually a six.
2. If A and B are symmetric matrices of the same order, then show that AB is symmetric if and only if A and B commute that is AB=BA.
3. Bag I contains 3 red and 4 black balls while another Bag II contains 5 red and 6 black balls. One ball is drawn at random from one of the bags and it is found to be red. Find the probability that it was drawn from Bag-II

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