University Karnataka Department of Pre University Education
Course & Year II PUC
Subject Sociology
Download Annual Examination Model Question Paper
Year 2023
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PUE PUC II Sociology Model Question Paper 2023

Download Karnataka Department of Pre University Education (PUE) March 2023 Second Year PUC Sociology Annual Examination Model Question Paper.

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Download PUC II Sociology Model Question Paper 2023

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II PUC Sociology Download Here

PUE Karnataka PUC II Sociology Model Questions

Part- A:
I Choose the correct answer (One Mark each) 10×1=10
1. How many languages are recognised as official languages by constitution of India?
a) 5
b) 15
c) 18
d) 22

2. Which year is considered as Demographic Divide?
a) 1911
c) 1921
d) 2021

3. The term Harijan was popularised by
a) Dr. B. R. Ambedkar
b)Mahatma Gandhiji
c) Narasimha Mehta
d) G.S. Ghurye

4. Headquarters of Lijjat is located at
a) Bengaluru
b) Delhi
c) Calcutta
d) Mumbai

5. Karta Means
a) Tarwad
c) Tavazis
d) Head of Hindu joint family

6. Father of Indian Green Revolution.
a) Dwarakanath
b)M.S. Swaminathan
c) M.N. Srinivas
d) R.K.Mukerjee

7. Ancient India was a major exporter of
a) Iron
b)cotton and silk cloth
c) Gold
d) Manganese

8. Editor of the book “Rural Sociology in India”
a) N. Prasad
b)G.S. Ghurye
c) M.N.Srinivas
d) A.R.Desai

9. The slogan of “Kagodu Sathyagraha”
a) Minining
b)Abolition of Intermediaries
c) co-operative farming
d) Land to the tillers

10. the concept Westernisation was introduced by
a) Dwarakanath
b)Michael Aldrich
c) M.N.Srinivas
d) R.K. Mukerjee

II. Fill in the blanks choosing the correct answers given in the bracket below (One Mark each) 5×1=5
11. Mahuva Town in Gujarath was studied by __________
12. The book “Remembered village “ is written by _______
13. First Kannada news paper__________
14. The concept “Tele Shopping” was introduced by _______
15. SNDP organisation was started by ______
(Michael Aldrich, M.N. Srinivas, I.P. Desai, Mangalore Samachar, Sri Narayana Guru)

IV Answer any FIVE of the following questions in one word or sentence each 5×1=5
21. Name the oldest civilization of India.
22. How is the word Caste derived?
23. Which Non- Government organisation is working for the upliftment of Soligas in Karnataka?
24. What is Tarawad?
25. Name the Health Insurance introduced by Government of Karnataka for the farmers.
26. Who created World Wide Web?
27. Expand SNS.
28. Who founded Sathya Shodaka Samaja?
29. Give one example for inclusive movement.

Part- B:
V Answer any TEN of the following questions in Two- Three sentences each 10×2=20
30. What is meant by Diversity?
31. What does DEMARU stand for?
32. Name any two classical languages.
33. Give the meaning of social inequality.
34. Mention any two functions of village panchayat.
35. Define Joint Family.
36. Mention any two advantages of Joint family.
37. Mention any two objectives of land reform.
38. Which stressors are responsible for farmer’s suicide?
39. State any two characteristics of slum.
40. State two types of Mass Media.
41. Name any two online shopping sites.
42. What do you mean by social movement?
43. Mention any two women’s organisations of India.
44. Define Globalization .

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